For lectures
1. Richard
Jolly and Ricardo Santos, “From Development of the
Global Governance for Universal and Sustainable Development” in
Development Studies: Past, Present and Future, IDS Bulletin Vol.47, No.2, May 2016.
2. Takamasa
Akiyama, “Evolution
of Ideas on Development,” Ch.2 in International Development
Assistance: Evolution and Prospects, FASID, 2003.
Kato, “Japan’s ODA 1954-2014: Changes and Continuities in a Central
Instrument in Japan’s Foreign Policy,” Ch.1 in Japan’s
Development Assistance: Foreign Aid and the Post-2015 Agenda
eds. Hiroshi Kato, John Page, and Yasutami Shimomura.
4. Shigeru
Ishikawa, “Supporting Growth and Poverty Reduction: Toward Mutual
Learning from the British Model in Africa and the Japanese Model in
East Asia,” GRIPS Development Forum Discussion Paper, No.9, March
Yanagihara, “Development
and Dynamic Efficiency: Framework Approach vs. Ingredients Approach,”
Ch.4 in Japanese Views on Economic Development: Diverse Paths to
the Market, eds. Kenichi and Izumi Ohno, Routledge, 1998.
6. Saburo Okita,
The Developing Economies and Japan: Lessons in Growth, University of
Tokyo Press, 1980 (esp. “Developing
Economies and the Japanese
Experience” (pp.93-104), “Causes
and Problems of Rapid Growth in Postwar Japan
and Their Implications for Newly Developing Economies” (pp.105-147)
Izumi Ohno and Kenichi Ohno,
"Eastern and Western Ideas for African Growth," in The World
Financial Review, July/Aug. 2013.
Izumi Ohno,
Overview: Diversity and Complementarity in Development Efforts," Ch.1
and "The Japanese Approach to Growth Support in Developing
Countries," Ch.7 in Eastern and Western Ideas for African Growth,
eds. Kenichi and Izumi Ohno, Routledge, 2013.
Ohno and Kenichi Ohno, “Dynamic
Capacity Development: What Africa Can Learn from Industrial Policy
Formulation in East Asia,” Ch.7 in Good Growth and Governance in Africa:
Rethinking Development Strategies, eds. Noman et. al, The
Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series, Oxford University Press,
10. Izumi Ohno, “Network-based Development Cooperation as
a Way Forward for Japan,” Ch.10 in Japanese Development Cooperation:
The Making of an Aid Architecture Pivoting to Asia, eds. Andre Asplund and Marie Soderberg, Routledge, 2017.
Izumi Ohno and Sayoko Uesu, "New
Partnership with the Private Sector in Japanese Development
Cooperation," Ch. 7 in International Development
Cooperation of Japan and South Korea: New Strategies for an
Uncertain World, eds. Huck-ju Kwon, Tatsufumi Yamagata, Eunju
Kim, Hisahiro Kondoh, Palgrave MacMillan, 2022.
Izumi Ohno, "Introducing
Foreign Models for Development: A Perspective from Translative
Adaptation, " Ch.1 in Introducing Foreign Models for
Development: Japanese Experience and Cooperation in the Age of New
Technology, eds. Izumi Ohno, Kimiaki Jin, Kuniaki Amatsu, and
Junichi Mori, Springer, 2023.
For student workshops
(The below is a tentative list. Professor Ohno will
consult with individual students regarding the assigned readings &
presentation topics. Students can propose alternative readings, as
1. Dambisa Moyo, Dead Aid: Why Aid is not Working and How There is a
better Way for Africa, 2009, Part
I (Ch.1-4), Part
II (Ch.5&10)
William Easterly, "Planners
vs. Searchers in Foreign Aid," Asian Development Bank,
January 18, 2006, ADB Distinguished Speaker Program.
The World Bank,
Aid: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why,
A World Bank Policy Research Report, 1998. (esp. Overview)
Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, Why Nations Fail: The
Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty, New York:
Currency, 2012 (Ch.2, 3, 15).
Also, see, "The
Role of Institutions in Growth and Development," Review
of Economics and Institutions, 1(2) Article 1, 2020.
Paul Collier,
Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can
Be Done About It, Oxford University Press, 2007. (Ch.7-10)
6. Justin Yifu Lin and Jun Zhang, “Learning
to Catch up in a Globalized World,” Ch.8 in How Nations
Learn: Technological Learning, Industrial Policy, and Catch-up,
eds. Arkebe Oqubay and Kenichi Ohno, Oxford University Press, 2019.
Robert H. Wade, “Rethinking
Industrial Policy for Low Income Countries,” African
Development Bank, 2009.
Jose Edgardo Campos and Hilton L. Root, "Leadership
and the Economic Bureaucracy," Ch.6&7 and "Wooing
the Business Sector,"
Ch.4 in The Key to the Asian Miracle: Making Shared Growth
Credible, The Brookings Institution, 1996.
9. World Bank, World
Development Report 2024: The Middle-Income Trap
(esp. Overview), 2024.
10. Mikiyasu Nakayama and Ryo Fujikura, “Technology
Transfer and Technology Development in Post-World War II Japan
Triggered by World Bank Projects,"
Ch.4 in The Rise of Asian Donors, eds. J. Sato and Y.
Shimomura, Routledge, 2012.
11. Kenichi Ohno, “Meiji
Japan: Progressive Learning of Western Technology,” Ch.5 in How
Nations Learn: Technological Learning, Industrial Policy, and
Catch-up, eds. Arkebe Oqubay and Kenichi Ohno, Oxford University
Press, 2019.
The World Bank Group/IDA, A
Financing the Future: IDA’s Role in the Evolving Global
Architecture, 2024.
Rachael Calleja, Beata Cichocka, and Sara Casadevall Belles, "How
Do Non-DAC Actors Cooperate on Development?" CGD Policy
Paper 294, May 2023.
14. Stephan Klingebiel, "Geopolitics,
the Global South and Development Policy," IDOS Policy
Brief, 14/2023.
15. United Nations, Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development, 2015.
Jeffrey D. Sachs,
The Ages of Globalization: Geography, Technology,
and Institutions, Columbia University Press (esp. Ch.1, Ch.8
& Ch.9),
World Bank, World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends
(esp. Overview), 2016.
18. World Bank, World Development Report 2019: The Changing Nature of
Work (esp. Overview, Ch.1, Ch.2 & Ch.7), 2019.
World Bank, World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees,
and Societies (esp. Overview), 2023.
20. Business and Sustainable Development Commission,
Better Business,
Better World, January 2017.