2014/September GRIPS Discussion Paper "Japanese Development Cooperation in a New Era: Recommendations for Network-Based Cooperation" by Izumi Ohno: This paper discusses the new era of Japan’s development cooperation from two perspectives--broader and deeper partnerships with the private sector, as well as ‘cooperation and competition’ with Asian emerging donors. It proposes ‘network-based cooperation’ as a central pillar of Japan’s future development cooperation, based on the analyses of the nature of a new wave of internationalization of Japanese manufacturing foreign direct investment (FDI) which involves small-and medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as the extensive local human and organizational networks accumulated in Asia through sixty years of Japan’s official development assistance (ODA). Unique roles of Japan as a mature knowledge partner based on international comparative analysis and a quality leader in global business activity are also discussed. Japan should leverage its distinctive strengths in both the corporate and ODA sectors, and actively embark on the new era of development cooperation. Please see the DP > here |
2014/September Rwanda Mission: The GDF team visited Kigali, Rwanda during August 5-8 2014, together with JICA team to study the features of Rwanda's remarkable growth in recent years from the perspective of international comparison of policy methods, and draw lessons for other developing countries including Ethiopia. Rwanda has made a remarkable history of economic development during the past two decades. Nevertheless, the current growth mechanism may not be sufficient to produce private sector-led development or graduation from aid dependency. This should be enhanced by the adoption of gemba-based pragmatism, and there appears to be much room for Japanese contribution in this regard. Please see > Rwanda Mission Report |
2013/August Article by Izumi & Kenichi Ohno (World Financial Review): We contributed an article, "Eastern and Western Ideas for African Growth: Diversity and Complementarity in Development Aid" to World Financial Review (July/August 2013). This article introduces the ideas of the book with the same name which was published from Routledge in this April. Read the article > here |
2013/7/28-8/2 Ethiopia Mission: |
2013/6/23-29 Malaysia Mission:
The GDF team visited Malaysia,
together with the Ethiopian delegation
led by H. E. Mr. Sisay Gemechu, State
Minister of Industry to study Malaysia's
experiences in industrialization and
draw implications for Ethiopia. This
study tour was arranged by JICA and MIDA
(Malaysian Investment |
TICAD V (@Yokohama): |
New book published !! |
(-July) |
2012/12/21 Established Izumi Ohno's web site. |
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