Spring term, Thursday, 16:40-18:10
<Course Description> Topics are chronologically arranged from the Edo period (17-19c) to the Heisei period (present).
(with Prof. Izumi Ohno, and Prof. Masumi
Shimamura as a guest lecturer) <Course Description> Lack of coordination and policy consistency are common features of many developing countries, but some governments solve this problem more effectively than others. This course aims to offer a practical and comparative perspective on policy methodology for government officials engaged in the formulation of growth-oriented development policies. We will look at concrete international (especially East Asian and African) experiences. We are also interested in transition dynamics from the existing system to the desired system. Our purpose is not just to describe policy problems. We want to analyze the causes and persistence of such problems from institutional viewpoints and by international comparison. Class is conducted in a small-group setting. The maximum number of students is 10. Each session consists of a presentation of featured ideas by one of the instructors, followed by discussion by all participants. Three instructors take turns in leading the discussion. A special guest is also invited to give a presentation. Text lectures and slides are downloadable from the website (subject to revision and updating at any time).Toward the end of the course, (some) students will present their policy analyses based on their own experiences. This course uses the materials and findings of policy dialogue and research in a large number of Asian and African countries, including intensive policy dialogue in Vietnam and Ethiopia conducted by the GRIPS Development Forum team headed by the instructors.
These lectures are offered at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo |
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