The role of CPRGS (i.e., relationship with existing development plan) |
A useful tool to reinforce the core planning documents (i.e., 10-Year Strategy and Five-Year Plan), dealing with poverty reduction in a cross-cutting manner. One of many (sector) plans; not expected to become an overarching document by replacing the existing core documents.
The only planning document, accountable for donors and subject to external monitoring. |
Relationship with budget process and donors' assistance strategies |
Inappropriate to align all the resources (budget, aid) to CPRGS. Prepared to support the other high priorities in overall development strategies (e.g., network infrastructure, higher education and technology transfer, private sector development), while respecting CPRGS priorities.
Desirable to align all the resources (budget, aid) to CPRGS. Plan to align respective country assistance strategies to CPRGS priorities.