The WB and the IMF started, from summer of 2001, a comprehensive review process on the two-year experience of PRSP. Various regional/international conferences (e.g. International Conference on Poverty Reduction Strategies in Washington, D.C., January 14-17, 2002) were held in order to reflect views not only from their own staffs but also PRSP countries, development partners and other stakeholders such as civil society. The review papers were presented and discussed in the Development Committee at the World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings in April 2002.
Review papers:
- World Bank [2002a], Review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Approach: Main Findings.
- World Bank [2002b], Review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Approach: Early Experiences with Interim PRSPs and Full PRSPs.
The review intended to cover country experiences in designing, implementing and monitoring their PRSP. It mainly focuses on the PRSP elaboration process and more tentatively on the content of PRSP, in view of PRSP's early stage of implementation. (A subsequent major review including the implementation and evaluation of PRSP are expected to be completed by early 2005.)
The review affirmed that the PRSP approach is valuable. The report also recognizes the need for flexibility in the PRSP approach and diversity in the content of poverty reduction strategies. It thus intends to provide useful illustrations and directions, which will be of varying relevance for different countries, depending on respective circumstances.
PRSP Contents
Key Findings
Process of developing PRSP (existing national development/poverty reduction policies, participatory framework)
- Build on existing work and processes
- Clarify institutional responsibilities
- Ensure significant stakeholders are included
- Promote open debate
- Feedback mechanisms and institutionalizing participation
Where are we now? (Assessment of poverty)
- Analyze the poverty and social impacts of policies
Where do we want to go? (outcome-oriented targets and indicators)
- Set realistic targets and indicators
How are we going to get there? (macro- economic framework, governance, sectoral policies, costing for major programs and financing, )
- Clarifying priority public actions
- Provide detail on macroeconomic framework
- Improving public expenditure management
- Analyze links between sector and cross-cutting issues
- Develop capacities of sector ministries
- Efforts on donor alignment
How will we know we are getting there? (monitoring and evaluation)
- PRSP as an ongoing process through regular monitoring and evaluation, with results being used to adjust the strategies and components
World Bank [2002a], Review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Approach: Main Findings. [].
World Bank [2002b], Review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Approach: Early Experiences with Interim PRSPs and Full PRSPs.].
World Bank [2002c], "PRSPs Origins, Key Challenges and Good Practices." (Presentation materials by John Page, Director of Poverty Reduction, World Bank, at the World Bank Tokyo Office Public Forum on PRSPs on July 15, 2002).
*This note was written by GRIPS Development Forum based on World Bank[2002c].