Environmental Expert Meeting |
Time: 10am -12pm, July 25,
2006 |
A meeting among environmental
experts with particular attention on urbanization and transport was
organized by GRIPS/VDF Tokyo. At the outset, each researcher explained
his/her experience and research interest. Prof. Ohno briefly described VDF’s role in facilitating the motorbike master plan formulation and summarized the contents of past brainstorming sessions. For example, motorbikes play a distinctive role and are well integrated with the society and people’s lifestyle in Vietnam. Motorbikes seem suitable for densely populated cities such as Hanoi and HCMC where streets and allays are narrow and deep. While urban public transport and private cars will surely increase in the future, motorbikes are likely to remain an important means of transportation. Moreover, the stock of motorbikes will continue to grow due to market expansion in rural areas. Reducing air pollution from motorbikes was a key requirement for continued reliance on the use of motorbikes.
Mr. Minato said that five systems needed to be strengthened in Vietnam as well as in other Asian countries, in order to mitigate environmental problems: (i) vehicle registration, (ii) automobile inspection, (iii) emissions control, (iv) fuel quality control, and (v) basic environmental statistics. In particular, he stressed the importance of fuel quality control. Even though new and four-stroke motorbikes are increasing in Vietnam, air pollution will not decrease as long as motorbike riders use low-quality fuel containing a large amount of sulfur. He also illustrated other countries’ efforts for emissions control. For example, Thailand promotes the usage of fuel purifier and high-quality lead-free oil. China focuses on clean technology for automobiles such as the compressed-natural-gas engine.
Many factual questions were raised by Japanese experts to assess the situation and consider policies in Vietnam. They included average fuel quality and content, shares of 2-stroke vs 4-stroke engine motorbikes, the age profile and quality of existing cars and motorbikes, the number and contents of air pollution monitoring sites, etc. These must be clarified by further research in Vietnam. [By Junichi Mori] |