GRIPS Development Forum
Summary Report of GRIPS-ODI Feedback Seminar
"Good Donorship and the Choice of Aid Modalities
--Matching Aid with Country Needs and Ownership" 15
March 2005, Tokyo
This note provides: (i) the summary of
seminar presentations; (ii) the main points discussed; and (iii) reflections
and the way forward. The main purpose of this GRIPS-ODI Joint Feedback
Seminar was to exchange views with the ODI researchers*
(Overseas Development
Institute, a leading London-based think tank on development and aid policy)
on the choice of aid modalities. Additionally, taking opportunities of the
publication of GRIPS study reports, Good Donorship and the Choice of Aid
Modalities (English and Japanese), the seminar aimed at providing feedback
to Japanese aid professionals and researchers the findings of the GRIPS
research and stimulating discussions on this topic.
The seminar presentations consisted of: (i)
the overview of new aid agenda and general framework for considering
modality choice—challenges and dilemmas in the new agenda by Ms. Karin
Christiansen (ODI); and a conceptual framework for the choice of aid
modalities by Izumi Ohno (GRIPS); and (ii) case analyses\the case of
primary education sector in Tanzania by Shoko Yamada (GRIPS), and the case
of the health sector in Vietnam and Uganda by Yumiko Niiya (GRIPS).
Approximately 30 aid professionals
participated in the seminar, including policy makers, practitioners,
consultants, researchers, and NGOs. The participants appreciated the GRIPS
and ODI researchers for sharing their research results, as well as providing
an opportunity to discuss the modality issue in an open and objective
manner. Active discussions took place over: (i) the perception of aid
modality debates in Japan; (ii) the relevance of the proposed framework;
(iii) the nature of the process of choosing aid modalities; (iv) alignment
and the use of general budget support (GBS); and (v) East Asiafs development
and aid experiences, and so on.
*Ms. Debbie Warrener (ODI),
who was originally to serve as moderator of the seminar, could not attend
for health reasons.
Summary of Presentations
- Karin Christiansen (ODI) gChakugan Taikyoku: Challenges and Dilemmas in the New Aid Agenda"
(pdf file, 44KB)
The speaker first introduced a number of common elements in the gnew aid
agendah including country ownership, result orientation, alignment,
harmonization, focus on political context and economic analysis. She went
on to highlight a series of gtensionsh within the agenda: (i) aid
modalities vs. donor behavior; (ii) harmonization vs. alignment; (iii)
results vs. process; (iv) quality of policy vs. ownership; and (v)
rewarding good performance vs. building better performance. Some of these
tensions were seen as more difficult to reconcilable than others, but the
general for proposal set out for attempting to respond to these challenges
focused on: (i) great clarity by donors around their objectives and the
trade offs between them (aid-trade-security etc); (ii) distinguishing means
from ends (e.g. GBS and PRS processes as means not ends); (iii) greater
realism, honesty around expectations and results and more feasible time
frames; (iv) assessing potential benefits associate with different
approaches or choices as well as risks.
- Izumi Ohno (GRIPS) gA Conceptual Framework
for the Choice of Aid Modalities: Marching Aid wit Country Needs and
Ownershiph (pdf file, 52KB)
(pdf file, 34KB)
The speaker stressed the importance of sharing the process for modality
choice between partner countries and donors so that the actual needs of
partner countries can be better reflected. So far, this process tends to
be donor-driven. The speaker first presented the general framework and
factors to be considered in deciding aid mix. More specifically, to take
account of the country-and sector-specific situations, she introduced two
perspectives: (i) gpriority country needsh (as shown by Development
Priority Matrix); and (ii) grecipient-donor relationshiph (as shown by
Typologies of Ownership). She also provided the overview of Vietnam,
Tanzania, and Cambodia, which have come out with different aid mix. The
three countries differ significantly in terms of aid dependency, the
degree of core government functions, potentials for private sector
development (PSD), aid management capacity, seriousness of transaction
costs, and openness to external influence. Finally, she highlighted
elements of ggood donorshiph that should be honored across all aid
- Shoko Yamada (GRIPS) "Priorities
and Equity of Resource Distribution: the Case of Primary Education
Development Program (PEDP) in Tanzania"(pdf file, 31KB)
1 (pdf file, 13KB)
2 (pdf file, 22KB)
The speaker discussed the meanings of the increased public funds to be
allocated to primary education under the PRS framework and the primary
education sector program in Tanzania, in light of: (i) aid flow and the
trend of education resource allocation at the level of central government;
(ii) efficiency and equity of the financial resource distribution from
central to the district and school level (using the data from the Public
Expenditure Tracing Survey (PETS)); and (iii) effectiveness of the public
funds to improve educational outcomes. The speaker pointed out that the
mere increase of budget allocation does not guarantee that the money
reaches the school fully or that the educational system yields better
outcomes. While noting the potential of new aid approaches (including
sector programs and PRS) in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of
aid, she stressed that such efforts of developing a comprehensive policy
and aid framework need to be complemented by the responsive and
context-sensitive assistance so that the political and financial
prioritization at the central government results in the actual positive
changes on the ground. Finally, the speaker suggested the importance of: (i)
striking a balance between articulating a comprehensive aid framework and
attending urgent needs on the ground; (ii) developing the capacity and
negotiation power of the government to balance different donor approaches;
and (iii) fostering mutual respect among donors for different aid
- Yumiko Niiya (GRIPS) gSector and Country
Context for the Choice of Aid Modalities: The Case of the Health Sector,
Uganda and Vietnamh (pdf file, 42KB)
(pdf file, 25KB)
The speaker discussed the health sector in Uganda and Vietnam from a
comparative perspective, by using the conceptual framework for gpriority
country needsh and grecipient-donor relationship.h The speaker first
presented typology of sectors by the role of public expenditure and argued
that appropriate choice of aid modalities can differ, according to the
stages of development of public health services. For example, while
priority needs in Uganda are to strengthen public expenditure flow in the
system, those in Vietnam are rather to promote private service providers.
She then examined grecipient-donor relationshiph in light of aid
dependency, aid management, openness to external influence at the sector
level and suggested: (i) in Uganda which highly depends on aid and needs
recurrent financing, SWAp with common fund can be useful to improve
harmonization and alignment; but (ii) in Vietnam, priority should be given
to improving the quality of donor intervention within the existing aid
Main Points Discussed
Perception of modality debates in Japan
Several participants noted that, in Japan,
debates over new modalities tend to become emotional and end up with
unhealthy divisions. There is general appreciation to presenters, which
attempted to provide frameworks and criteria for deciding aid mix. At the
same time, many participants stated that the proposed GRIPS framework could
be further improved by accumulating a larger number of case studies at the
country and sector levels. (See the next section)
A participant questioned whether and to
what extent current modality debates are relevant in light of Japanese aid
experiences. For example, Japanese aid emphasizes the use of the existing
government structure, avoiding the creation of new Project Management Units
(PMU). Thus, Japan and the other donors may have different perception of
project aid. This point should be duly recognized when pros-and cons of
project aid are discussed.
A participant welcomed the approach presented
that the choice of aid modality is not the core of development issues in
itself and should be viewed as part of overall approach to development
assistance. It is important to consider how the sector is organized and how
resources for development (both recurrent and capital) are managed. The role
of aid modality should be analyzed within this context. This is so
particularly in the health sector, which is organized by multiple systems
(e.g., PHC, hospital management, medical insurance).
A participant stated that the two
presentations (Christiansen and Ohno) were inspiring because these
illustrate how aid modalities are perceived by two different cultures—the
West and Japan (or Asia). While the ODI presentation highlighted gtensionsh
over modality choice, the GRIPS presentation stressed gaid mixh implying the
co-existence of various modalities.*
*Christiansen later clarified
that this is entirely a misinterpretation of UK position on aid modality.
For example, the DFID policy paper on Poverty Reduction Budget Support (PRBS)
states: gOur choice of types and combination of aid instruments will reflect
country circumstances and the evolution of our relationship with the partner
country. In most partner countries, the provision of PRBS will generally be
complemented with other aid instruments. h(DFID 2000: p.1)
The relevance of the proposed conceptual
framework for modality choice
A number of
participants asked how widely the proposed GRIPS framework could be applied
across sectors and countries. The country examples provided by the GRIPS
team (i.e., Vietnam and Tanzania) belong to two extremes, in terms of
priority needs and ownership. In reality, many countries are somewhere
between this spectrum. For example, institutional capacity can be analyzed
from various dimensions, e.g., managerial, financial, technical. Thus, it
would be desirable to consider the choice of aid modality more concretely,
according to different dimensions of capacity to be strengthened. Another
participant cited an example of some Sub-Saharan African countries, where
infrastructure projects appear to be working despite their relatively weak
administrative capacity.
Regarding the sector, the GRIPS speaker (Ohno)
noted that the role of aid and appropriate modality in supporting PSD merits
further investigation. The issue of growth promotion and aid flows the issue
closely related to the gaid exith strategy, as discussed in the seminar.
(See the section of alignment and the use of GBS)
Regarding ownership, the GRIPS speaker (Niiya)
highlighted the importance of identifying appropriate gentry pointsh for
donors-government dialogue. In the health sector, the Vietnamese government
treats systemic issues as purely internal matters and does not wish donor
intervention. Thus, it remains to be answered how the donor community, as
outsiders, could and should effectively engage partner countries in
addressing upstream, systemic issues.
There was general consensus that the
in-depth analyses of sectors, countries with different types of capacity and
ownership, etc. will be useful to refine the conceptual framework presented
by the GRIPS team and that such research should be encouraged among those
The nature of the process of choosing aid
Several participants commented that the
process of choosing aid modalities is political— often driven by donors—and
path-dependent. They questioned whether and to what extent there is room for
the real gchoiceh of aid modalities for partner countries and donors. A
question was also raised whether it is possible to choose modalities from a
gzero base.h Both ODI and GRIPS speakers (Christiansen and Ohno) responded
that it is possible to choose aid modalities, while recognizing such
limitations. For example, in Tanzania and Vietnam, Japan chose to
participate in the General Budget Support (GBS) group in order to enhance
the effectiveness of its ongoing assistance (including project aid).
Choosing one modality does not necessarily mean excluding the others.
Acknowledging such donor-driven nature
associated with modality choice, the GRIPS speakers (Ohno and Niiya)
reiterated that this is precisely the reason why they have decided to
conduct this research so that common ground be established for both partner
countries and donors to discuss and consider this issue. They stressed the
importance of respecting ownership of partner countries in the process. The
ODI speaker (Christiansen) suggested that the ultimate responsibility of
donors should be to help partner countries manage them (= donors) better.
This requires a greater emphasis on supporting aid management capacity as a
means of achieving alignment.
The GRIPS speaker
(Yamada) noted the importance of paying attention to the political
environment where modality issues are discussed in partner countries.
Individual professionals may have different perception on the goal of
modality debates, subject to their own perspectives. Some professionals may
emphasize the macro picture (e.g., consistency of the overall policy and
institutional framework), while the others may pay greater attention to the
micro-level, field activities and implementation on the ground. To discuss
the effectiveness of aid modalities, without realizing the diversity of
perception about their goals, would cause an unproductive misunderstanding.
She also stressed the importance of fostering the environment where diverse
views can be allowed and openly discussed in countries.
There is shared understanding at the
seminar of the need to investigate the more diverse dimensions that affect
the process of deciding aid mix and donor behavior. Such dimensions should
include the political context of development partnership (as pointed out by
Alignment and the use of General Budget
Support (GBS)
A participant questioned whether GBS can be
effectively used for those countries with extremely weak capacity, although
the GRIPS speaker (Ohno) hinted its usefulness in the case of the government
with restricted core functions. Ohno responded that the GRIPS research does
not cover gfragile states,h since this issue would require separate
examination due to its complexity. Thus, the research covers only those
countries which have gminimum capacityh to exist as the government, whatever
it may be weak.
The ODI speaker (Christiansen) stressed
that in general the priority is likely to be alignment to the national
budget process. This maybe easier with GBS but can be done across all
modalities. She also commented that GBS is unlikely to be appropriate for
some types of gfragile statesh, for example those where there are serious
and far reaching concerns about the ewillingnessf of government to engage in
policy implementation or policy are explicitly aimed at the systematic abuse
of their population. In other fragile states, such as those with epost
conflict transition regimesf such as Afghanistan, East Timor or Sierra
Leone, GBS is likely to be an important component of rebuilding the state
In addition there are two types of possible
systems alignment: (i) directly working through government systems
alignment; and (ii) shadow systems alignment which particularly for fragile
states, could contribute to strengthening or at least not undermining the
long term development of government capacity.
In connection with alignment, Christiansen
introduced the concept of gHorizontal National Programming,h where many
contracts are arranged with service providers, such as NGOs under a common
nation wide framework with a national policy and standards across the whole
country. This is a way to internalize project-based activities without
undermining the integrity or potential development of national policies
systems. Many possibilities exist, including arranging contracts by
geographical area (s).
A participant noted that in East Asia,
project aid, particularly for infrastructure development has been effective
in promoting growth-oriented poverty reduction. Infrastructure projects
supported dynamic economic network in the region. Nevertheless, he suggested
that Japan become more realistic about the use of GBS in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Specifically, African countries have more serious capacity constraints and
faces pressing social needs including recurrent cost financing. Under this
circumstance, GBS can be a useful tool to transfer the funds and promote
alignment to the governmentfs strategy.
Several participants expressed their
concern about the lack of the gaid exith strategy, when GBS is applied to
recurrent budgets. It is questionable whether and how fast the reliance on
GBS can lead to economic take off of Sub-Saharan African countries.
Furthermore, by dealing with the budget, GBS necessarily implies that donor
intervention in the governmentfs sovereign issues. To what extent donors
should get involved in the domestic budget process needs to be answered. The
ODI speaker acknowledged their concern about the lack of the gaid exith
strategy and the long-term sustainability of GBS, particularly if donors
focus their conditions of high recurrent spend activities such as health and
education systems.
The ODI speaker (Christiansen) stressed the
importance of assessing benefits, not only risks in the decision making
around aid modalities. If we only focus on risks we might end up missing
potential large benefits to be gained. Benefits can be higher in the weak
environment country. This links back to the issue around whether the aim is
to greward good performanceh or gbuild better performanceh. The latter tries
to change behavior and may bring greater benefits. A participant supported
the importance of benefit vs. risk analysis when introducing particular aid
modality. He suggested that a possible use of the methodology for portfolio
analysis be examined.
A participant noted that each modality has
merits and demerits and that it is absolutely right to use respective
modalities, according to their comparative advantages. GBS can be viewed as
a kind of investment trust, and there is nothing special about it. It is
merely one amongst a range of tools that is more appropriate in some
settings and less so in others.
East Asiafs development and aid experience,
its replicability in Africa, and the role of Japanfs aid
The ODI speaker (Christiansen) stated that
there is a need to deepen the understanding of the entire process of East
Asiafs development and use of aid, particularly the role of gDevelopmental
States.h A key success of East Asia seems to be derived from the existence
of governments and leadership that had a relatively comprehensive vision and
strategy and capacity for integrating projects and aid under this strategy.
Even if there are some imperfections, these states had a strong sense of
ownership and consistently implemented their own visions. Thus the
fundamental question would seem to be how to encourage the emergence of such
gDevelopental Statesh and needs further investigation.
Nevertheless, she considers that some of
the East Asian experiences are more difficult to apply directly to Africa.
The Green Revolution has not really happened in Africa (in a sharp contrast
to Asia). Agriculture-led growth appears to still be the main option for
most of Africa, but there are serious questions about how to generate it
with the high transportation costs (affecting the costs of fertilizer and
goods to market), and the Asian experience (including Green Revolution) must
be adapted to the African context.
commended that Japanfs aid consistent emphasis on the productive sector and
the focus on growth strategies. This strong sector concerns are valuable and
should be maintained in the future. This is so especially when many donors
have prone to fads and have been emphasizing potentially unsustainable
levels of investment in the social service sectors.
The GRIPS speaker (Niiya) suggested the
need to conduct the evaluation of Japanfs past ODA, in order to internalize
the modality debates among the Japanese aid professionals and draw
implications for Japanfs ODA reforms. Some donors conducted the evaluation
of their past aid approaches and experiences.
The ODI speaker (Christiansen) suggested
that it is important to recognize that not all the Asian countries have
succeeded in development and that some countries face the problems similar
to Africa. Absolute poverty still exists in Asia, and in fact, Asia has the
largest population below the poverty line.
Other issues
A participant stated that it may be
prejudiced to conclude gfailure of conditionality to induce reformh was one
of the factors leading to the emergence of new aid modalities, as explained
by the GRIPS speaker (Ohno). The appropriateness of conditionality needs
careful examination, and it is not necessarily bad that donors use
conditionality to urge policy and institutional reforms in partner
countries. Ohno responded that there is general understanding that
conditionality was not effective to enhance country ownership. This is why
the World Bank decided to shift from SAL to PRSC (from ex-ante to ex-post
conditionalities). There is no doubt about the importance of policy dialogue
between donors and partner countries; but the issue is how to conduct such
policy dialogue.
The ODI speaker (Christiansen) stressed
that from a recipient perspective priority be placed on goptimizing the
impact of aid h rather than gaid flow maximization.h
Reflections and the Way Forward (by GRIPS)
The seminar confirmed the importance of
respecting ownership of partner countries in the process of choosing aid
modalities, as a common starting point. At the same time, the discussions
revealed that the topic of the choice of aid modalities remains
controversial in Japan and is perceived quite differently, according to
respective professional perspectives.
Key issues emerging from the seminar
discussions include: (i) to what extent there is room for real gchoiceh of
aid modalities, particularly for partner countries (and implicitly the
relevance to discuss this topic), given that this is path-dependent and a
political process; and (ii) to what extent the current modality debates are
relevant in light of Japanfs aid experiences (particularly in East Asia). On
the other hand, it is also true that a large number of participants
emphasized the importance of building the coherent government system and
held the views that the modality issues be considered to support that
process. Thus, the participants have diverse views.
As suggested by a number of participants,
there is a scope for refining the analytical framework of the GRIPS research
by accumulating a larger number of case studies at the country and sector
levels, and also by including the more diverse dimensions that affect the
process of deciding aid mix (including the political context of development
Based on the above, at least, three types of
future research/activity agenda can be identified:
- Conducting in-depth case analyses at the
sector and country levels, as well as sharing the findings of such analyses
widely with policy makers and practitioners. Such analysis should also include
the role of aid and use of modality in supporting PSD and growth promotion.
- Deepening the understanding of the process
of choosing donor behavior and aid programming including aid modality,
recognizing its political nature. Such analysis should include the political
context of development partnership
- Supporting the ongoing ODA reforms in Japan
by: (i) compiling and disseminating good practices in the field, in
collaboration with practitioners and building on the recommendations in the
GRIPS report (as suggested in the Japanese version in particular); and also
(ii) sharpening the agenda for longer-term ODA reforms. Nevertheless, it is
important to stress that the relevance of modality debates to Japanfs ODA
must be examined, based on the evaluation of Japan aid experiences in
different regions.
Last Modified: 13 April, 2005 |