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![]() 1. (With Ronald I. McKinnon) gGetting the Exchange Rate Right: Insular versus Open Economies,h Seoul Journal of Economics, Vol.1, No.1 (1988), pp.19-40. 2. (With Ronald I. McKinnon) gPurchasing Power Parity as a Monetary Standard,h chapter 7, O.F. Hamouda, R. Rowley, and B.M. Wolf, eds., The Future of the International Monetary System: Change, Coordination or Instability?, Edward Elgar (1989), pp.42-67. 3. gTesting Purchasing Power Parity and the Dornbusch Overshooting Model with Vector Autoregression,h Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol.3, No.2 (June 1989), pp.209-26. 4. gExport Pricing Behavior of Manufacturing: A U.S.-Japan Comparison,h IMF Staff Papers, Vol.36, No.3 (September 1989), pp.550-79. 5. gExchange Rate Fluctuations, Pass-Through, and Market Share,h IMF Staff Papers, Vol.37, No.2 (June 1990), pp.294-310. 6. gEstimating Yen/Dollar and Mark/Dollar Purchasing Power Parities,h IMF Staff Papers, Vol.37, No.3 (September 1990), pp.700-25. 7. (With Wansing Hung and Yoonbai Kim) gPricing Exports: A Cross-country Study,h Journal of International Money and Finance (1993), Vol.12, pp.3-28. 8. gThe Purchasing Power Parity Criterion for Stabilizing Exchange Rates,h chapter 19, in Dilip K. Das, ed., International Finance: Contemporary Issues, London: Routledge (1993). 9. gInternational Price Differentials of Manufactured Products: Measurement and Implications,h presented at International Symposium on Japanese Market Economy and its Performance (January 1993). 10. gThe Case for a New System,h in Bretton Woods Commission Report, Bretton Woods: Looking to the Future, background paper (July 1994). 11. gShould Asia Pursue Establishment of Yen Bloc?: Move Would Lead to Balance among World's Top Three Currencies,h The Nikkei Weekly (10 July 1995). 12. gPolicy Causes of Japan-U.S. Economic Conflict,h I. M. Destler and Hideo Sato eds., Maryland/Tsukuba Papers on U.S.-Japan Relations, Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (February 1996). 13. gHegemonic Cycle and Exchange Rate Policy: The Problem of Balancing Competitiveness Between Japan and the United States,h Journal of International Political Economy, Vol.1, No.1 (March 1996), pp.33-53. 14. gKyrgyzstanfs Strategy for Post-Stabilization Recovery and Economic Transformation,h chapter 17, Osamu Yasuda and Yasutami Shimomura, eds., Economic Reform in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan: Lessons from the East Asian Development Experience, Vol.II, Sasakawa Peace Foundation (March 1997). 15. (With Ronald I. McKinnon) Dollar and Yen: Resolving Economic Conflict between the United States and Japan, MIT Press (1997). 16. (Editing with Izumi Ohno) Japanese Views on Economic Development: Diverse Paths to the Market, London: Routledge (1998). 17. gG-7 Should Put a Stop to Volatility of Asiafs Currencies,h Straits Times (Singapore), (30 January 1998). 18. gAsiafs Systemic Problem Needs Joint Solution,h Financial Times (4 February 1998). 19. (With Ronald I. McKinnon) gThe Real Yen Worry,h Financial Times (26 June 1998). 20. (With Ronald I. McKinnon) gThe Sun Must Set on the Rising Yen,h Wall Street Journal (11 November 1998). 21. (With Ronald I. McKinnon and Kazuko Shirono) gThe Syndrome of the Ever-Higher Yen, 1971-1995: American Mercantile Pressure on Japanese Monetary Policy,h chapter 13, T. Ito and A.O. Krueger eds., Changes in Exchange Rates in Rapidly Developing Countries: Theory, Practice, and Policy Issues, NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics, Vol.7 (1999). 22. gExchange Rate Management in Developing Asia: Reassessment of the Pre-Crisis Soft Dollar Zone,h ADBI Working Paper, No.1 (January 1999). 23. (With Masaru Yoshitomi) gCapital-Account Crisis and Credit Contraction: The New Nature of Crisis Requires New Policy Responses,h ADBI Working Paper, No.2 (May 1999). 24. gFree Trade versus Infant Industry Promotion: The Possibility of Temporary Protection for Latecomer Countries,h presented at the Vietnam-Japan Joint Research Project Workshop, Hanoi (December 2000). 25. gEvaluating Alternative Scenarios for Steel Industry Promotion: Quantification of Profitability and Risks,h presented at the Vietnam-Japan Joint Research Project Workshop, Hanoi (December 2000). 26. (With Ronald I. McKinnon) gForeign Exchange Origins of Japanfs Economic Slump,h The World Economy, 24:3 (March 2001), pp.279-315. 27. gGlobal Development Strategy and Japanfs ODA Policy,h presented at the Conference on Japanese Studies, Singapore National University (5-6 October 2001). 28. gGlobalization Is About More Than Economics,h International Herald Tribune (23 January 2002). 29. gReconfiguring Japanfs ODA,h Japan Echo (February 2002), pp.48-52. 30. (With Izumi Ohno) gGlobal Development Strategy and Japanfs ODA Policy,h GRIPS Development Forum, Discussion Paper, No.1 (March 2002). 31. gDevelopment with Alternative Strategic Options: A Japanese View on the Poverty Reduction Drive and Beyond,h GRIPS Development Forum, Policy Note, No.1 (May 2002). 32. gFor Diversity in Development Strategies,h OECD Observer, No.233 (August 2002), pp.27-9. 33. gThe East Experience of Economic Development and Cooperation,h GRIPS Development Forum, Policy Note, No.3 (December 2002). 34. East Asian Growth and Japanese Aid Strategy, GRIPS Development Forum (Jan 2003). 35. gThe Policy Package for Attracting a Critical Mass of Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam,h National Economics University-Hanoi Vietnam, Journal of Economics & Development (June 2003), pp.22-7. 36. "Renovating Japan's Aid in Africa: From Passivity to Action under the Tight Budget," GRIPS Development Forum, Policy Minutes, No.18 (June 2003), pp.7-13. 37. gCoherent Thinking About Aid for Iraq,h Japan Echo (August 2003), pp.34-5. 38. gVietnam at the Crossroads: Policy Advice from the Japanese Perspective,h Vietnam Development Forum, Policy Note, No.1 (December 2003). 39. gThe Lucky Country,h Vietnam Economic Times (January 2004), pp.14-5. 40. gDesigning a Comprehensive and Realistic Industrial Strategy,h Vietnam Development Forum, Discussion Paper, No.1 (June 2004). 41. gThe Role of Government in Promoting Industrialization under Globalization: The East Asian Experience,h ADB-VDF co-workshop report Which institutions are critical to sustain long growth in Vietnam? (October 2004), pp.8-19. 42. (Editing with Nguyen Van Thuong) Improving Industrial Policy Formulation, The Publishing House of Political Theory (March 2005). 43. (With Duong Kim Hong) gStreet Children in Vietnam: Interactions of Old and New Causes in a Growing Economy,h Vietnam Development Forum, Discussion Paper, No.6 (July 2005). 44. (With Izumi Ohno) gFostering True Ownershop in Vietnam: From Donor Management to Policy Autonomy and Content,h True Ownership and Policy Autonomy: Managing Donors and Owning Policies, GRIPS Development Forum (August 2005), pp.37-66. 45. The Economic Development of Japan: The Path Traveled by Japan as a Developing Country, GRIPS Development Forum (March 2006). 46. (Ed.) gSupporting Industries in Vietnam from the Perspective of Japanese Manufacturing Firms,h Vietnam Development Forum, Policy Note, No.2 (June 2006). 47. (Ed.) Industrial Policy Formulation in Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan: Lessons for Vietnamese Policy Makers, Vietnam Development Forum (September 2006). 48. (Editing with Takahiro Fujimoto) Industrialization of Developing Countries: Analyses by Japanese Economists, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, and Manufacturing Management Research Center (October 2006). 49. (Editing with Nguyen Van Thuong) Business Environment and Policies of Hanoi, Vietnam Development Forum (December 2006). 50. (Ed.) Building Supporting Industries in Vietnam, Vol.1, Vietnam Development Forum (March 2007). 51. The Motorbike Joint Working Group, For Sound Development of the Motorbike Industry in Vietnam, Publishing House of Social Labour (November 2007). 52. gThe East Asian Growth Regime and Political Development,h in GRIPS Development Forum ed., Diversity and Complementarity in Development Aid: East Asian Lessons for African Growth (February 2008), pp.37-61. 53. gSoft Landing the Macroeconomy,h Saigon Times (3 May 2008), pp. 34-5. 54. gVietnamfs Rising Inflation and Asset Booms: an External Explanation,h Vietnam Economic Management Review, Vol. 2 (2008), pp.3-10. 55. The Middle Income Trap: Implications for Industrialization Strategies in East Asia and Africa, GRIPS Development Forum (March 2009). 56. gAvoiding the Middle-Income Trap: Renovating Industrial Policy Formulation in Vietnamh ASEAN Economic Bulletin Vol.26, No.1, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (April 2009), pp.25-43. 57. (With Izumi Ohno and Sayoko Uesu) gIntroduction,h in GRIPS Development Forum ed., Introducing KAIZEN in Africa (October 2009), pp.1-12. 58. gOvercoming the Middle Income Trap: The Challenge for East Asian High Performers,h in Linda Yueh ed., The Future of Asian Trade and Growth: Economic Development with the Emergence of China, Routledge (January 2010), pp.199-221. 59. gThe Shindanshi System: Transferability of Japan's Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultants System to ASEAN,h (April 2010). 60. (With Junji Banno) gThe Flexible Structure of Politics in Meiji Japan,h (April 2010), for Leadership Program: Development Leaders, Elites and Coalitions (LPDLEC). 61. gComment on 'Revisiting Exports and Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam,h Asian Economic Policy Review, Vol.6, Issue1, pp.134-135 (June 2011). 62. gNew Macroeconomic Challenge for Emerging Economies,h Japan Spotlight, pp.19-21(March/April 2012). 63. gDynamic Capacity Development : What Africa Can Learn from Industrial Policy Formulation in East Asia,h Chapter 7 in Good Growth and Governance in Africa : Rethinking Development Strategies, Oxford University Press, pp.221-245 (March 2012). 64. Learning to Industrialize: From Given Growth to Policy-aided Value Creation, Routledge, 2012. 65. Kenichi Ohno and Izumi Ohno eds, Eastern and Western Ideas for African Growth: Diversity and Complementarity in Development Aid, Routledge (2013). 66. gPolicies to overcome the middle-income trap,h United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Marketing It, vol.14 (2013), pp.9-10. 67.@Izumi Ohno and Kenichi Ohno, gEastern and Western Ideas for African Growth,h The World Financial Review iJuly/August 2013j, pp.40-44. 68.@Kenichi Ohno ed., An Approaching Middle Income Trap: How Vietnam Can Escape It, Transport Publishing House, Hanoi (2014). 69. Learning to Industrialize: From Given Growth to Policy-aided Value Creation, Paperback Edition, Routledge (2014). 70. (Co-editing with Izumi Ohno) Eastern and Western Ideas for African Growth: Diversity and complementarity in development aid, Paperback Edition, Routledge (2015). 71. gThe Quality of Industrial Policy and Middle Income Traps: Comparing Vietnam with Other Countries,h Vietnam National University Journal of Science, Vol.32, No.1S, pp.179-189 (2016). 72. gShifting from Growth based on Quantity to Quality: Roles of New Policy Procedure and Organization,h ch4, (Eds.) Nguyen Duc Thanh and Pham Van Dai, Viet Nam Annual Economic Report 2016:Forging New Foundations for Economic Growth, Viet Nam National University Press (2016). 73. g20th Anniversary: Countries Affected by the Asian Financial Crisis Are Confronted with Common Issues Accompanied by Growth: Japan Must Be a Successful Example of Tackling the Income Gap and Aging Population,h Discuss Japan - Japan Foreign Policy Forum, No.43 (28 February 2018). 74. The History of Japanese Economic Development: Origins of Private Dynamism and Policy Competence, Hardback / Paperback / eBook, Routledge (2018). 75. (With Izumi Ohno) gA Japanese Perspective on Ethiopiafs Transformation,hchapter 47, F. Cheru, C. Cramer & A. Oqubay, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy, Oxford University Press (2018). 76. (With Nguyen Duc Thanh & Pham Thi Houng) gCharacteristics of Viet Nam's Labor Productivity in the Process of International Economic Integrationh, chapter 3, Nguyen Duc Thanh & Ohno Kenichi, eds., Viet Nam Annual Economic Report 2018: Understanding the Labor Market for Productivity Enhancement, Hanoi: The Gioi Publishers (2018). 77. (Co-editing with Arkebe Oqubay) How Nations Learn: Technological Learning, Industrial Policy, and Catch-up, Oxford University Press (2019). 78. gMeiji Japan: Progressive Learning of Western Technology,h chapter 5, A. Oqubay & K. Ohno eds., How Nations Learn: Technological Learning, Industrial Policy, and Catch-up, Oxford University Press (2019). 79. (With Policy Studies Institute) Ethiopia Productivity Report (2020). 80. gEthiopia Beyond Middle Income: Transforming the National Mindset,h chapter 2.4, M.G. Desta, D. Dori & M.E. Mihretu, eds., Ethiopia in the Wake of Political Reforms, Los Angeles: Tsehai Publishers & Distributors (2020). 81. (With Nguyen Duc Thanh & Pham Thi Huong) Viet Nam Productivity Report: Identifying Growth Challenges and Exploring a Way Forward, Viet Nam National University Press (2021). 82. (With Policy Studies Institute) Ethiopia FDI Policy Report (2022). 83. (With Izumi Ohno) g8. Ethiopia-Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue: Learning Eastern Methods through Intensive Discussion and Concrete Cooperation,h Izumi Ohno, Kuniaki Amatsu and Akio Hosono eds., Policy Learning for Industrial Development and the Role of Development Cooperation, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development, pp.327-361 (2022). 84. "Japan's Rise to Economic Prosperity: A Chat with Professor Kenichi Ohno" (Podcast) the Brenthurst Foundation (7 & 14 June 2023). 85. (With Akio Hosono, Kuniaki Amatsu and Minoru Yamada) "Bilateral Policy Dialogue: Japanese Cooperation for Enhancing Industrial Policy Capacity," I. Ohno, K. Jin, K. Amatsu and J. Mori eds., Introducing Foreign Models for Development: Japanese Experience and Cooperation in the Age of New Technology, Springer Singapore (2024). @ 1. gTradable Purchasing Power Parity as a Policy Criterion,h Sekai Keizai Hyoron, Vol.32, No.4 (April 1988), pp.43-51. 2. gHysteresis and Exchange Rate Pass-through,h Ikkyo Ronso, Vol.102, No.6 (December 1989), pp.861-80. 3. gExchange Rate Pass-through of Japanese and U.S. Manufacturing,h Keizai Kenkyu, Vol.41, No.1, Hitotsubashi University (January 1990), pp.46-53. 4. International Monetary Systems and Economic Stability, Toyo Keizai Shimposha (1991). [Mainichi Shimbun Economist Award] 5. gDifferent Approaches to the International Price Differential Problem and Price Comparison,h Research Institute of International Price Mechanism (March 1992). 6. gEconomic Analysis of Structural Adjustment Lending,h Kokumin Keizai Kenkyu Kyokai (March 1992). 7. gJapan Proposes a New Development Paradigm: Towards Intellectual Contribution as an Asian Developed Economy,h Mainichi Economist (8 December 1992), pp.32-7. 8. gStructural Adjustment Lending of IMF and World Bank,h Kokusoken Seminar Series, 92-4, Japan International Cooperation Agency (December 1992). 9. (With Izumi Ohno) IMF and World Bank: An Insidersf View of the Development Institutions, Nihon Hyoronsha (1993). 10. gIMFfs Policy Advice and its Evaluation,h Ministry of Foreign Affairs Development and Aid Study (March 1993). 11. gComparison of Competitiveness among Japan, US and Germany: an Approach towards Tradable Purchasing Power Parity,h Research Institute for International Price Mechanism (March 1993). 12. gBasic Problems in Adopting the Market Economy: a Sketch for Interdisciplinary Study,h Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu, 45:2, Tokyo University (1993), pp.275-93. 13. gEmerging Intellectual Aid: Reform Assistance in Kyrgyzstan,h Keizai Seminar (February 1994). 14. gThe International System and the Problem of Financial Discipline,h Japan Center for International Finance, Perspectives for Future International Monetary System (March 1994). 15. gWhy does International Price Difference Persist? An Approach from Exchange Rate Policy,h MITI Journal (May 1994). 16. gDynamism of Asian Transitional Economies and Development Economics Paradigm,h Keizai Seminar (March 1995). 17. gSuper High Yen and Americafs Decline: Inherent Weakness of the Current System,h Diamond Weekly (22 April 1995). 18. gMercantile Exchange Rate Policy and Adjustment of Competitiveness between Japan and the US: A View from Hegemonic Cycles,h Y. Honda ed., Japanfs Business Cycles, Yuhikaku (1995). 19. gDo Not Lose Opportunity to Reverse the Currency Market,h Nihon Keizai Shimbun (14 June 1995). 20. gRapid Yen Appreciation and International Price Differential,h Research Institute for International Price Mechanism, Market Economy and Prices, No.12 (10 March 1995). 21. Shijo Iko Senryaku: Shin Keizai Taisei no Sozo to Nihon no Chiteki Shien (Strategy for adopting the Market Economy: Creation of a New Economic System and Japanfs Intellectual Contribution), Yuhikaku (1996). [Mainichi Shimbun Asia Study Association: Asia-Pacific Special Award] 22. gThe Creation Process of a Market Economy and Economics Paradigms: Towards a New Perspective in Development Economics,h chapter 2, S. Ishikawa ed., Theoretical Studies in Development Cooperation Policy, Institute of Development Economics, No.466 (March 1996). 23. gVietnamfs Participation in AFTA, APEC and WTO: Commitment to Free Trade and the Need for Industrial Promotion,h Ministry of Planning and Investment and Japan International Cooperation Agency, Report on support for introduction of market economy in Vietnam, Phase 1, Vol.4 (June 1996), pp.105-17. 24. gIntellectual Contribution to Development Assistance,h Nihon Keizai Shimbun (26 September - 2 October 1996). 25. gEast Asian Economics as a Dynamic Subject,h East Asia Review, No.57 (December 1996). 26. (With Ronald I. McKinnon and Kazuko Shirono) gEver Higher Yen: Endaka Syndrome 1971-96,h Diamond Weekly (1-22 February 1997). 27. (With Kojiro Sakurai) East Asian Development Economics, Yuhikaku (1997). 28. gUse intervention to stop Asian crisis,h Nihon Keizai Shimbun (13 February 1998). 29. (With Ronald I. McKinnon) Dollar and Yen, Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha (1998). 30. gDevelopment Economics: Policy-oriented Economics for LDCs,h Economics Perfect Guide, Nihon Hyoronsha (April 1998), pp.76-7. 31. gPossibility of Unique Development of LDCs under Globalization: Free Trade and Financial Opening as International Requirements,h chapter 5, Report on Economic Development Depending on Initial Conditions, Nihon Sogo Kenkyusho (March 1998), pp.95-107. 32. gEconomics of Asian Crisis,h Diamond Weekly (25 April 1998), pp.55-61. 33. gBeyond the Paradigm of Universalism: Introduction of a Market Economy in Non-Western Societies,h J. Kawada et al eds., Iwanami Koza Development and Culture, Vol.7: Future of Humans and Development, Iwanami Shoten (1998), pp.19-36. 34. (With Ronald I. McKinnon) gJapan and US should Conclude Currency Stabilization Pact,h Nihon Keizai Shimbun (3 July 1998). 35. gCreation of Market Economic System and Development Economics Paradigm,h chapter 10, T. Kamo, M. Itoh and K. Ishiguro eds., Readings in International Political Economy, Vol.2, Yuhikaku (1998). 36. gLatecomer Countries and the Global Market Economy: The Risk of Premature International Integration Leading to the Disruption of the Development Process,h Sekai (January 1999). 37. gA Vision for Exchange Rate Policy towards Economic Stability: A Proposal Based on the Structure of the International System,h Ministry of Finance, Financial Review, Vol.48 (January 1999), pp.54-85. 38. gJapan and US should Agree on Yen / Dollar Stability,h Nihon Keizai Shimbun (25 March 1999). 39. gAcceleration of International Integration and the Role of LDC Governments,h chapter 11, M. Aoki, M. Okuno and T. Okazaki, Role of Market, Role of State, Toyo Keizai Shimposha (1999), pp.349-82. 40. gAsian Crisis as Credit Contraction,h chapter 2, Review on Issues Faced by IMF, Japan Center for International Finance (February 1999), pp.11-21. 41. gAsian Financial Crisis and Vietnamfs Policy Response,h chapter 3, S. Ishikawa and Y. Hara eds., Introducing Market to Vietnam, Toyo Keizai Shimposha (1999), pp.49-80. 42. Globalization of Developing Countries: Is Autonomous Development Possible?, Toyo Keizai Shimposha (2000). [Suntory Prize for Critical Sciences and Humanities / Osaragi Jiro Award for Critical Works] 43. (With Izumi Ohno) gBringing Western Standards to LDCs: Critique of World Bank, IMF and WTO Policies,h Sekai (August 2000), pp.241-51. 44. gLiberalization and Poverty Alleviation: The Right Development Strategy?,h Keizai Seminar (December 2000), pp.30-3. 45. gIntellectual Aid to Vietnam: Current Status and Issues in Vietnamfs Marketization Support Project,h chapter 2, A Study in Policy Assistance Based on the gIntellectual Structureh of Japanfs Economic Assistance, Cabinet Bureau/Japan Research Institute (March 2001). 46. gThe Causes of and Policy Responses to the Asian Crisis: Towards a Better Alternative,h chapter 7, Toshio Watanabe ed., Globalization and the National Economy: Asiafs Economic Achievements, Toyo Keizai Shimposha (2001), pp.147-70. 47. gRaku na Kaiketsusaku wa nai (There is No Easy Solution),h Asahi Shimbun (4 September 2001). 48. gTeigen, ODA Nibunron: Asia no tameni Sekai no tameni (A Proposal for Two-Track ODA),h Ronza (December 2001), pp.54-63. 49. gBeishudou no
Kaihatsuenjo; Chuutouseisaku Zesei koso Terokonzetsu eno Michi,h
Sekaishuho (8-15January 2002), pp.12-5. 53. gGuroubarizeishon wa Mura no Jiritsu o Tasukeruka,h Kayoko Ikeda & Magazinehouse eds., Sekai ga Moshi Hyakunin no Mura dattara (If the world were a village of 100 people II), Magazinehouse (June 2002), pp.116-24. 54. gODA
Saikouchiku; Senryaku Meikaku ni,h Nihon Keizai Shimbun (19
August 2002). 56. (Editing with Nozomu Kawabata) Vietnam no Kougyouka Senryaku; Globalkajidai no Tojoukoku Sangyou Hatten Shien (Vietnamfs Industrialization Strategy in the Age of Globalization), Nihon-Hyoronsha (March 2003). 57. gIraku Shien, Rinen o Meikaku ni; ODA Taikoukaitei no Shikinren (Have Clear Principles for Aiding Iraq),h Nihon Keizai Shimbun (25 April 2003). 58. (With Motoki Takahashi) gAfrica Shien Saihensei eno Teigen: Ryoutekiseiyakuka ni okeru Judou kara Noudou e (Renovating Japanfs Aid in Africa: From Passivity to Action under the Tight Budget),h GRIPS Development Forum, Policy Minutes, No.18 (June 2003). 59. Tojoukoku Nippon no Ayumi; Edo kara Heisei madeno Keizai Hatten (The Path Traveled by Japan as a Developing Country: Economic Growth from Edo to Heisei), Yuhikaku (February 2005). 60. (Ed.) gVDF Report: Nikkeikigyou kara Mita Vietnam Susono Sangyou (VDF Report: Supporting Industries in Vietnam from the Perspective of Japanese Firms),h Vietnam Development Forum, Policy Note, No.2, (June 2006). 61. (Editing with Takahiro Fujimoto) Tojoukoku no Sangyou Hatten to Nihon no Kakawari (Industrialization of Developing Countries: Analyses by Japanese Economists), National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, and Manufacturing Management Research Center, University of Tokyo (September 2006). 62. (With Junji Banno) Meiji Ishin 1858-1881 (Meiji Restoration 1858-1881), Kodansha-Gendai-Shinsho (January 2010). 63. gChushokigyo Shindan Seido: Nihon Model no ASEAN e no Iten no Kanoseih (SME Shindan System: Potential for Transferring Japanese Models to ASEAN), chapter 4, Nihongata no Tojokoku Seicho Shien no Kihon Senryaku: Ruikeika, Kokusai Hikaku, Gutai teki Jirei (Basic Strategy for Japanese Type Development Assistance: Classification, International Comparison, Concrete Cases), JICA Report, pp. 83-104 (March 2010). 64. gTojokoku Kaihatsu no Jissenh (Implementing Development Assistance), Nihon Keizai Shimbun commentary series (29 April 2010 to 11 May 2010). 65. gChallenges for Emerging Economies: Need to Monitor Flows of International Capital,h Nihon Keizai Shimbuni26 October 2011j. 66. (With Izumi Ohno) gNihon hatsu Asia-teki Kokusai Kyoryoku no Susume (Proposing Asian-style International Cooperation from Japan)h, Gaiko, Vol.12, pp.122-127 (March 2012). 67. gVietnam: Escaping from Growth without Quality,h Kokusai Mondai, Vol.615, pp.42-52 (October 2012). 68. Sangyo Seisaku no Tsukurikata: Asia no Best Practice ni Manabu (Methodology of Industrial Policy Formulation: Learning from Asian Best Practices), Yuhikaku (2013). 69. gOverseas Investment by Manufacturing SMEs: Policy Issues,h chapter 1, Asia Pacific Institute of Research, Nihongata Monozukuri no Asia Tenkai: Chushokigyo no Tonan Asia Shinsyutsu to Shiensaku (Moving Japanese Monozukuri to Asia: How to Support SMEs Investing in Southeast Asia), pp.1-26 (March 2014). 70. gMonozukuri Chushokigyo no Kaigai Shinshutsu: Seisakuronh (Overseas Investment by Manufacturing SMEs: Policy Issues), chapter 1, Izumi Ohno ed., Machi Koba kara Asia no Global Kigyo e: Chushokigyo no Kaigai Shinsyutsu Senryaku to Shiensaku (From Small Local Factory to Global Enterprise: Strategies and Support Measures for Overseas Expansion of SMEs), Chuo Keizaisha (2015). 71.gSpecial interview on Vietnamfs Industrialization Challenge and Next Stage, Kokusai Kaihatsu Journal, No.716, pp.20-21 (July 2016). 72. gMiddle Income Traps and Asia,h Nihon Keizai Shimbun (8 stories in Easy Economics column, August 1-10, 2016). 73. gTwenty Years After the Currency Crisis: Growth-generated Common Problems in Asia,h Nihon Keizai Shimbun (July 5, 2017). 74. gSeisansei kara mita Vietnam keizaino tassei to kadai (Achievements and challenges of the Vietnamese economy from the perspective of productivity)h, chapter 8, M. Yamada & S. Karikomi, eds., Asia Dynamism and the Economic Development of Vietnam, Bunshindo (2020). 75. (With Junichi Mori) gSangyoujinzai Ikusei to Keizai, Shakai, Chiikiteki Yoin: Vietnam to Ethiopia no Hikaku (Industrial Human Resource Development and the Economic, Social and Regional Factors: A Comparison of Vietnam and Ethiopia,h chapter 9, S. Yamada & I. Ohno, eds., Tojokoku no Sangyojinzai Ikusei: SDGs Jidai no Chishiki to Gino (Industrial Human Resource Development in Developing Countries: Knowledge and Skills in the Age of SDGs)h, Nihon Hyoronsha (2021).@ 1. gHợp tác kinh tế
và nghiên cứu công nghiệp Việt Nam (Economic Cooperation and
Industrial Study in Vietnam)h, chapter 1, in Chính sách công nghiệp
và thương mại của Việt Nam trong bối cảnh hội nhập (Vietnamfs
Industrial and Trade Policy in Integration Context), Vol.1, JICA-NEU
Joint Working Project (2003), pp.10-24. 16. gBao ve nguoi ngheo va de ra chien luoc tang truong dai han (Protect the Poor and Make Long-term Strategies),h Thoi bao Kinh te Sai Gon (Saigon Economic Times) 5-2-2009 (February 2009), p.10. 17. gLoay hoay tim duong tranh bay (Seeking for a way to avoid the trap),h Thoi bao Kinh te Sai Gon (Saigon Economic Times, August, 2009), p.14. 18. gTranh bay thu nhap trung binh: Doi moi hoach dinh chinh sach cong nghiep o Viet Nam (The Middle Income Trap: Implications for Industrialization Strategies in East Asia and Africa),h (February 2010). 19. gHe thong Shindan: Kha nang chuyen giao he thong tu van quan tri doanh nghiep vua va nho cua Nhat Ban sang ASEAN (The Shindanshi System: Transferability of Japan's Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultants System to ASEAN)h (April 2010). 20. gViet Nam kho thoat bay thu nhap trung binh (It would be difficult for Vietnam to break through the middle income trap),h VietNam Net – Chinh tri, 24 June 2010. 21. "Vietnam Must Solve the Asset Inequality Problem" Nhip Cau Dau Tu, pp.12-13 (28 March 2011) 22. (Editor) Tiep can Bay Thu nhap Trung binh: Mot so goi y chinh sach cho Viet Nam (An approaching Middle Income Trap: Some Policy Advice for Vietnam), Hanoi: Nha xuat Ban Giao Duc Viet Nam (2014). 23. gDich chuyen tang truong tu so luong sang chat luong: Nhung tien de cai cach trong thiet ke va thuc thi chinh sach (From Quantity to Quality Growth: Some Proposals for Reforming Policy Design and Implementation),h Ngyen Duc Thanh & Pham Van Dai, eds., Bao Cao Thuong Nien Kinh Te Viet Nam 2016: Thiet Lap Nen Tang Moi Cho Tang Truong (Vietnam Annual Economic Report 2016: Establishing a New Growth Base), chapter 4, Nha Xuat Ban Dai Hoc Quoc Gia Ha Noi (2016). 24. QUỐC GIA HỌC TẬP: Học tập công nghệ, chính sách công nghiệp và vắt kịp thành công (Learning Nations: Technological Learning, Industrial Policy, and Catch-up) (Vietnamese version of HOW NATIONS LEARN: Technological Learning, Industrial Policy, and Catch-up), True State Politics Publishing House (2020). 25. (With Nguyễn Đức Thành, Phạm Thị Hương) Báo Cáo Năng Suất Việt Nam|Nguồn Gốc Tăng Trưởng: Năng Suất Lao Động Của Việt Nam: Trong Ba Thập Niên Cải Cách Và Hội Nhập 1990-2020 (Viet Nam Productivity Report: Identifying Growth Challenges and Exploring a way forward), Nhà Xuất Bản Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội (2021). 26. (With Junji Banno) Cuộc Duy Tân Minh Trị (1858-1881) - Một Cuộc Cách Mạng Hiếm Thấy Trong Lịch Sử (Meiji Ishin 1858-1881), Ho Chi Minh: Nhà xuất bản Tổng hợp TP (2021). 1. gJapanfs Development Strategy in the 90s and the Role of Government,h Comparison of Economic and Social Systems, No.4, Beijing (1999), pp.43-51. 2. (With Kojiro Sakurai) Dongya Fazhan Jingjixue (East Asian Development Economics), Ethnic Publication Company, Beijing (1999). 3. Cong Jianghu Dao Pingcheng (The Economic Development of Japan: The Path Traveled by Japan as a Developing Country), China CITIC Press (May 2006). 4. Learning to Industrialize: From Given Growth to Policy-aided Value Creation, China CITIC Press (2015). 5. gKenichi Ohno on Industrial Policy,h Finance and Economics, No. 479, pp.26-29 (October 17, 2016). @
1. Arabic version of The Economic Development of Japan: The Path Traveled by Japan as a Developing Country, Del El Shorouk (September 2008), conducted by Japan Foundation. 2. Russian version of The Economic Development of Japan: The Path Traveled by Japan as a Developing Country, BAKTRIA PRESS, Tashkent (September 2014). 3. Iranian version of The Economic Development of Japan: The Path Traveled by Japan as a Developing Country, Translated & Annotated by Nahid Pourrostami, University of Tehran Press, Tehran (2016). .
1. Ronald I. McKinnon, gMonetary and Exchange Rate Policies for International Financial Stability: A Proposal,h Journal of Economic Perspectives 2:1, Winter (1988). Full translation in chapter 2, in M. Shinohara ed., International Money, Technical Innovation, Long-term Cycles, Toyo Keizai Shimposha (1988). Partial translation in Toyo Keizai Weekly special edition No.77 (26 November 1987), pp.95-103. 2. Ronald I. McKinnon, gKokusai Tuuka no Arata na Kouzuh (New Composition of the International Monetary System), This is Yomiuri (March 1999), pp.206-13. @
1. Kazuo Sumi, World Bank: Development Finance and Environmental and Human Rights Problems (in Keizai Seminar, July 1994). 2. Ryo Oshiba, Political Economy of International Organizations: Post Cold War Framework of International Relations (in Keizai Kenkyu 46:2, April 1995). 3. Barry Eichengreen, 21-seiki no Kokusai Tuuka Seido: Futatsu no Sentaku (International Monetary Arrangements for the 21st Century), translated by Yoshihiro Fujii (in World Economic Review Vol.42, No.3, March 1998). 4. Tran Van Tho, Yutaka Harada, and Chi Hung Kwan, Saishin Ajia Keizai to Nippon (Up-to-date Asian Economy and Japan), (in Bulletin of Japan Center Economic Research No.872, 1 September 2001). 5. Tran Van Tho, and Shunji Karikomi, The Middle Income Trap from a China and ASEAN Perspective (in Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies, Vol.9, Issue. 1, February 2020). 6. Kyoji Fukao, Sekai Keizaishi kara Mita Nihon no Seicho to Teitai: 1868-2018(Japanese Growth and Stagnation from the Perspective of World Economic History: 1868-2018), (in Keizai Kenkyu, Vol.72, No.2, 2021). |
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