GDF Activities |
Joint Seminar:
''African Growth in the Changing Global Economy'' (November 2008)
GRIPS-ODI-JICA Joint Seminar was held on 27 November 2008, with over 100
participants from diverse background―African Ambassadors and diplomats,
researchers, private sector, NGOs, policy makers and practitioners who are
interested in the African development. The seminar was organized by the
GRIPS Development Forum and the JICA Research Institute, in collaboration
with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and African embassies in
Tokyo. The seminar was designed to feature on African growth, the changing
global economy, and TICAD
IV follow-up.
Now the handouts and the minutes are
available online. MORE
Part I: How should
Africa cope with global financial crisis?
Presentation 1: Simon
Maxwell, Director, ODI, UK/odijoint.gif)
Presentation 2: Akio Hosono, Professor, GRIPS
Part II: How to implement the TICAD
IV promises for sustained growth in Africa?
Presentation 1: H. E. Elly E.E. Mtango, Ambassador Extraordinary and
Presentation 2: Izumi Ohno, Professor, GRIPS
Presentation 3: Matsuo Watanabe, Visiting Senior Advisor, JICA
***Policy Minutes No.23 on this Seminar has
published on Feb. 2009.<<Click
(pdf file 3.9MB)
for a New African Growth Support Initiative
(August 2008)
Development Forum
-Secretariat for the Multi-stakeholder Discussion Group on “African
Growth Support Initiative“
compiled a proposal based on intensive discussions by a multi-stakeholder
group of professionals from government officials, staff of aid implementing
agencies and international organizations, researchers, and businesspersons
aimed at concretizing Japan’s growth support to Africa in the context of the
TICAD IV. The proposal also benefited from discussions at a GRIPS Development Forum workshop held in late
July 2008. We hope that this proposal will be useful for policy makers, aid
practitioners, researchers, and professionals who are responsible for
implementing the
Yokohama Declaration and the
Yokohama Action Plan adopted at the TICAD IV. We also hope that the
proposal will serve as policy input to the new JICA when it concretizes
country-specific assistance packages related to “Boosting Economic Growth”
(one of the priority pillars of the TICAD IV), in selecting target countries
and identifying entry points and specific activities for Japan’s engagement.
(PDF file, 208KB) |
can Japan effectively support economic growth in Africa? - The African
perspective -
(25 July, 2008)
GRIPS Development Forum held
a round-table
discussion workshop, which aims to generate new approaches how Japan
could take effectively support economic growth in Africa, to tailor
the implementation of the TICAD IV’s
Yokohama Action Plan and the Toyako G8 Summit.
For an African
perspective to the discussions, we invited participation from African
Ambassadors in Tokyo, as well as prominent African professionals
including Prof. Dr. Sanga-Ngoie Kazadi (a native of the D.R.Congo,
Professor Emeritus of Mie University, and currently Dean,
International Cooperation & Research Division, Ritsumeikan Asia
Pacific University in Oita).
remarks & background (Prof. Kenichi Ohno, GRIPS)
(Elumba Jean Denis, GDF
Research Associate)
(Prof. Dr.
Sanga-Ngoie Kazadi,
(PDF file, 69.3KB)
“African growth support” initiative, by multi-stakeholder study group
(April-June, 2008) A multi-stakeholder study
group discussed the "African growth support” initiative at the GRIPS
from April to June 2008. We study the current state of African
Development and intensively discuss the basic idea about how Japan
should provide assistance to meet African development needs, what
actions should be taken to strengthen the system for "African growth
support". The minutes for the meetings summarizes the content of the
presentations, issues raised by the participants.
For more
details, please click here <<
Growth Support Initiative page |
Mission Report
IPD African
Taskforce Meeting in Addis Ababa (Jul. 2008)
Prof. Izumi Ohno and Kenichi Ohno attended the "Initiative for
Policy Dialogue" African Taskforce Meeting in Ethiopia. This is an
annual event organized by Prof. Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia Univ.) and
supported by JICA. It discussed past policy failures, the need to
broaden policy space, new possibilities based on East Asian
experiences, etc. Participants included Prime Minister Meles Zenawi,
Prof. J. Stiglitz, Prof. Mushtaq Kahn, Prof. S. Urata, and others.
Our presentation
argued as follows. The development process is a complex mix of
economics (what needs to be done) and politics (what can be
done). The problem with traditional policy advice of IFIs (macro
conditionality, transition strategy, governance, growth
diagnostics, etc) is that it recommends desirable policies
without seriously considering their political and administrative
feasibility. Development succeeds only when what is desirable is
carefully matched by what is possible in the right sequence in
the actual political context of each country.
We recommend that
development policy should mainly be built on perfecting one's
unique strength rather than generally removing weaknesses and
achieving average performance in everything. There should be
goals, phased strategies and concrete actions. Donors should
engage in long-term, open-ended policy dialogue with the
government to discover such goals, strategies and actions.
(Kenichi Ohno)
(London) Mission Report
(4-8 March 2008) Prof. Kenichi Ohno, Prof. Izumi Ohno and Elumba Jean Denis N. (Senior
Research Associate ) visited London to; 1) launch a book titled
“Diversity and Complementarity in Development Aid:
East Asian Lessons for African Growth”
that aims to promote a UK-Japan dialogue on aid effectiveness in
developing countries, 2) learn
about the UK’s assistance for African growth, 3) understand the
methodology of “Growth Diagnostics”. UK officials and researchers showed
deep interest in our recent researches and activities.
MORE (UK Mission
Report by Elumba Jean Denis N. PDF file, 134KB)
Presentation at "ODI-GRIPS joint seminar on UK-Japan aid partnership in
supporting African growth and the 2008 agenda, March
5, 2008"
(Izumi Ohno, PDF file 172KB)
(Kenichi Ohno, PDF file 189KB)
Mission Report
(14-24 February 2008) Prof. Ohno was invited by the Japan Bank
for International Cooperation (JBIC) to deliver presentations at
two workshops on the theme “Economic Development of the Nacala
Development Corridor: Learning from the Experiences of Vietnam”
in Mozambique. Elumba Jean Denis N. was also dispatched by GRIPS
to join Prof. Kenichi Ohno on a fact-finding mission to
Mozambique on the same itinerary. In addition, we met key
stakeholders responsible for economic development planning to
learn how policy dialogue is coordinated within the government
and between the government and the private sector, in order to
understand the strategic importance of the Nacala Development
Corridor within the broader framework of the national economic
development plan of Mozambique.
MORE (Mozambique Mission Report by Elumba Jean Denis N. PDF
file, 93KB)