PRSPプロセスにおけるpro-poor growthについての考察 < |
Pro-poor growth台頭の背景
Pro-poor growthとは?――既存の議論の整理(現時点の暫定的なもの) 過去の成長と貧困削減の関係:
貧困削減をもたらす成長(pro-poor growth)の中身:
Pro-poor growthと政策のリンケージ:
PRSPにおけるpro-poor growth:
Pro-poor growthと政策(整理の仕方の案) Klasen (2002)は、pro-poorに関連する政策とそれらに対するコンセンサスの有無を一覧表にして示している(”Table1: Policies to Promote Pro-Poor Growth: Consensus and Remaining Debates”)。ここでは、議論の整理のために,それらの政策を前掲の図1で示したpro-poor growthの各局面、「初期条件」、「成長と貧困削減」に位置づけてみる。 図2: Pro-poor growthと政策の整理
PRSPプロセスにおけるpro-poor growthの取り扱い
以上 |
Dollar D. and A. Kraay(2000) Growth is Good for the Poor,
mimeo, DECRG, World Bank.
Ravallion, Martin (2001a) “Growth, Inequality, and Poverty: Looking Beyond
Averages,” World Development 29 (11), 1803-1815.
Ravallion, Martin (2001b) The Mystery of Vanishing Benefits:
An Introduction to Impact Evaluation,” World Bank Economic Review 15 (1),
Ravallion M and G. Datt. (1999) When is Growth Pro-Poor? Evidence
from the Diverse Experiences of India’s States, Mimeographed, the World
Bank. Kakwani N. and E. Pernia(1999) “What is Pro-poor Growth?” Asian Development Review vol. 18, no.1 [] Klasen, Stephan(2002) In Search of The Holy Grail: How to Achieve Pro-poor Growth? (Paper presented at Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics on June, 2002, OSLO, NORWAY). [$File/RAZAFINDRAKOTO.PDF].
International Development Association and International Monetary Fund (2002)
“Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers Progress in Implementation.” 11
September. World Bank (2000) The Quality of Growth, World Bank and Oxford University Press. World Bank (2002) Globalization, Growth, And Poverty, Building an Inclusive World Economy, World Bank and Oxford University Press.
[] 栗原充代、山形辰史(2002) 「開発戦略としてのPro-Poor Growth」『第13回国際開発学会・全国大会報告論文集』[] |