Publication on the motorbike industry
in Vietnam
(25Dec2007) VDF
has published a new volume of policy proposals for development of the
motorbike industry in Vietnam, which was drafted by the Motorbike Joint
Working Group, a non-government groups of producers, experts and officials
formed in Spring 2006 to work jointly for the purpose of drafting the
motorbike master plan. VDF served as a coordinator and secretariat of the
Group. MORE.
Book on social issues in Vietnam, vol. 2
The second volume of the book on social issues in Vietnam was published in
English. This book contains six chapters, covers the issues of poverty,
health care, street children, social protection, and elderly in Vietnam. The
book was contributed by foreign and Vietnamese professors and researchers. The Vietnamese translated version will also
be published soon.
Workshop on ODA's effects on FDI inflows
(17Dec2007) Ms. Pham Thu Hien (GRIPS) presented her study on
effects of ODA in infrastructure on FDI inflows in Vietnams at the
39th VDF-Tokyo workshop on 15 December, 2007. To examine the effects,
least squares method and fixed effects/random effects
model were used. The regression results
showed evidences
of the positive impacts of ODA in infrastructure on FDI inflows, not only by direct channels, but also by indirect
channels through improving the human capital base of respective
provinces. For further information, please refer
the workshop summary, the
paper (PDF286KB),
and the
presentation (PDF253KB).
Workshop on export growth in Pakistan
(19Nov2007) The 38th VDF-Tokyo workshop was held on 17
November 2007. Mr. Imran Ullah Khan, GRIPS PhD Candidate, presented his
on-going dissertation measuring the impact of the components of trade costs
on export growth in Pakistan. The gravity model with composed error term was
used, and policy measures were proposed based on the research's findings.
Slides (PDF78KB)
Workshop on stock prices in HoSTC
On 20 October 2007, Mr. Tran Viet Ha (Kyoto University) presented his paper
on stock prices in Ho Chi Minh City Trading Center (HoSTC). F-type ADF test
was used to examine the random walk hypothesis (RWH) for the stock prices in
HoSTC. The test result showed that the stock prices hardly followed RWH,
implying the market was ineffective. Summary,
VSET 2007 is greatly successful
On last Saturday, the Vietnamese Symposium on Economics and Technology
2007 (VSET2007) was successfully held at GRIPS campus. This event was
jointly organized by VDF-Tokyo and the Japanese-Vietnamese Engineers
Exchange Forum (JVEEF). We welcomed
more than 100 participants to attend two keynote
speeches and 14 paper presentations (in three parallel sessions). Prof.
Ohno delivered a keynote speech on East Asian development patterns and
provided some key messages on policy challenges for Vietnam. He was also
the chairman of the Economics and Social Issues session, where two
presentations on business, and other two presentations on social issues
were exchanged.
Worksho p
on stock return volatility in Vietnam
(01Oct2007) The 36th VDF-Tokyo workshop was held on 22
September 2007. At the workshop, Mr. Vuong Thanh Long from Kobe Univ.
presented his master thesis on the stock return volatility in the Vietnam
stock market. An ARCH/GARCH model was applied to test a hypothesis of highly
persistent volatility of stock return, and ICSS algorithm was used to
identify break points of stock return rate variances. Policy implications
were in focus of discussion among the participants.
Slides (PDF309KB).
Symposium on economics and
technology 2007
(18Sep2007) On 13
October 2007, VDF-Tokyo and Japanese-Vietnamese Engineers Exchange Forum (JVEEF),
in association with Vietnamese Youth and Students Association in Japan (VYSA),
will organize Vietnamese Symposium on Economics and Technology 2007
The Symposium consists of presentations
an invited keynote speaker, voluntary presentations
and posters, which address the main themes of the Symposium.
For more information on the Symposium, please click the
banner below to visit its official website.

Workshop on monetary transmission mechanism
At the
35th VDF-Tokyo workshop held on 18 August 2007, Mr. Le Viet Hung (GRIPS)
presented his research on monetary transmission mechanism in Vietnam using
vector autoregression approach. His presentation focused on reduced-form
relationships between money, real output, price level, real interest rate,
real exchange rate and credit. Various related issues were discussed among
participants. Summary
Workshop on localization in auto
At the 34th workshop, held on July 21,
2007, Ms. Nguyen Bich Thuy (PhD candidate, Waseda University) presented the
findings from her field survey in Vietnam on how the current industrial
policies had impacted on localization progress in the Vietnamese automobile
industry. A number of comments and questions on survey, findings, and policy
implications were lively discussed among participants.
Full summary of the 3rd VDF-Tokyo conference!
(17Jul2007) For the
full summary, please click the banner below.

Economic development of Japan
in Vietnamese
The Vietnamese version of the book Economic Development of Japan: The
Path Traveled by Japanese as a Developing Country (Kenichi Ohno, March
2007) is now available at the download
Workshop on intellectual property

33rd VDF-Tokyo Monthly Workshop was held on 23 June 2007 at GRIPS. In the workshop, Mr. Tran Huu Tra
made an overview of the current status of trademark registration and
enforcement in Vietnam. Various cases of trademark infringements were
analyzed, and a number of policy implications were discussed to improve
trademark rights under strict WTO regulations.
Workshop on endogenous development
The 32nd VDF-Tokyo monthly workshop was held on 14 April 2007 at GRIPS. In the
workshop, Ms. Do My Hien reviewed the endogenous development theories and
practical applications in many countries. Then, a desired model for
implementing endogenous development in Thanh Hoa province (Vietnam) was
presented. Various related issues, such as human resources and
administrative capacity under globalization, were raised and discussed among
participants of the workshop. Summary
Book on social issues in Vietnam
In March 2007,
VDF published another book, namely Social Issues under Economic
Transformation and Integration in Vietnam
Vol. 1 in English. This book contains seven Chapters, in which
various topics, such as street children, youth employment, household
welfare, are discussed in detail with policy implications for the
development of social sector in Vietnam. The
Vietnamese translated version will also be published soon. MORE
Book on supporting industry
VDF has published a book Building Supporting Industries in Vietnam
Vol. 1 in English, which contains four papers, each addressing a
different topic on the current status of Vietnam's supporting industries and
international experiences and situation in developing these industries. The
Vietnamese translated version will be published in Spring 2007.
Workshop on the stock market in Vietnam
In the workshop on Saturday 17 March 2007, Mr.
Pham Vu Thang Long (Osaka University) analyzed the abnormal returns in the
stock market in Vietnam. Over-reaction hypothesis in the stock market was
discussed. Model creation, estimated results, and policy implications were
in focus of discussion for the most emerging market in Vietnam.
Workshop on monetary union forming
(13Feb2007) The
VDF-Tokyo monthly workshop was held on Saturday, 10Feb07 at GRIPS.
Mr. Vu Tuan Khai (YNU & VDF-Tokyo) presented his theoretical
model to analyze how countries at different development stages would respond
if they formed a common currency area (CCA). Countries in East Asia were in
focus. Model variables, results, and policy implications were discussed.