The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and
the GRIPS Development Forum have been continuously conducting the third
phase of “Policy Dialogue on Industrial Development in Ethiopia” for the
period of 2017 to 2022. The industrial policy dialogue (phase III) is
part of JICA’s larger “Industrial Promotion Project,” which includes two
additional components, .i.e., ”Investment Promotion & Industrial Park
Development” and “Export Promotion through Champion Products Approach”.
specifically, Japan-Ethiopia industrial policy dialogue (phase III) aims
to contribute to the effective implementation of the Second Growth and
Transformation Plan (GTP2: 2015/16-2019/20) and the formulation of next
five-year development plan (esp. industrial objectives), by sharing
Asian perspectives and providing the policy learning process with the
Ethiopian authorities. Special emphasis is given to Quality,
Productivity & Competitiveness (QPC)-related issues, where Japanese
industrial cooperation has a comparative advantage.
to the phase I & II, we conduct bi-annual policy dialogues with the
Ethiopian authorities through the three channels: (i) dialogue with
Prime Minister; (ii) High Level Forum at minister & state minister
level; and (iii) individual discussions with ministers/state ministers &
policymakers, as well as various stakeholders (e.g., private sector,
researchers, donors). In addition, the phase III includes new activities
such as joint policy research (with the Ethiopian researchers/research
institutes) and handholding pilots (comprehensive support to a small
number of high-potential companies for domestic private sector
We are
combining policy discussions with Japan’s concrete industrial (or
related) projects--which has been expanded in the GTP2 period--and
monitor the progress of all cooperation projects by Japan.
◆Policy Dialogue on Industrial
Mission in Ethiopia
Open Policy Workshop
@Skylight Hotel (2022/12/15 AM)
(hosted by MOI, and supported by JICA, PSI, and GRIPS)
Inconsistencies in Ethiopian Manufacturing Industry Growth
Policy Trade-offs and Inconsistencies: Ethiopia's Mechanisms and
Asian Experiences
FDI Linkage Workshop @MOI
(hosted by MOI and supported by JICA and GRIPS)
Firm Linkage Development -East Asian Experiences and Suggestions
for Ethiopia
Linkage Promotion between Domestic Enterprises and FDI Firms -JICA's
Knowledge Sharing Workshop @MOI
(2022/12/15 PM) (hosted by MIDI)
of Ethiopia-Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue under JICA's
Industrial Promotion Project
(Japanese text only)
Mission in Ethiopia
Automotive Policy Seminar
@MOI (co-hosted by MOI, JICA and GRIPS)
Automotive Policy in the African Automotive Market
・Global and
African Automotive Industry -Emerging Trends and Strategies
Related documents
Policy Note:
Ethiopian Automotive Policy in the African
Automotive Market
Slides presented at the
Automotive Seminar on 2019/02/20
(revised Aug.2022)
Automotive Industry Promotion in Ethiopia
(revised Mar. 2022)
(Japanese text only)
Mission in Ethiopia
-Reconnection with new Ethiopian key persons
The Second JICA Chair Seminar in Ethiopia @Addis Ababa
& Events
FDI policy report mini seminar @ Ethiopian Investment
(Japanese text only)
Jan. 2022
FDI Policy Report Launch Work Shop
co-organized by PSI and GRIPS
Development Forum, supported by JICA
Press release
Policy Report
Related documents

Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
Presentation 4
Feb. 2020 |
Mission in Ethiopia
Report Launch Workshop on Ethiopia Productivity Report,
co-organized by PSI and GRIPS Development Forum (2020/02/17) @
Intercontinental Hotel, Addis Ababa.
Ethiopia Productivity Report
Automotive Seminar, co-organized by MOTI, JICA and GRIPS
(2020/02/18) @ MOTI builiding
-Evolution and current status of Myanmar's automotive Industry
-Key findings in Myanmar's automotive policy and lessons for
Mission Report
(Japanese text only)
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
Presentation 4 |
Oct. 2019 |
Small Mission in Ethiopia
- Discussion with economic policy team (PM office, MOF, EIC)
- Informal meeting with donors (2019/11/01) |
Mission Report
(Japanese text only)
Document 1
Document 2
Aug. 2019
Mission in Ethiopia
Development Policy Forum (Ethiopia Productivity Report),
co-organized by PSI and GRIPS @ Elilly International Hotel, Addis
・Lavor productivity data analysis
・Summary of field survey on apparel industry
・Policy measures to enhance productivity |
Mission Report
(Japanese text only)
May 2019 |
Small Mission in Ethiopia
Mission Report
(Japanese text only)
(revised on June 21)
Feb. 2019 |
Mission in Ethiopia
Automotive Seminar co-organized by MOTI, JICA, GRIPS and UNIDO @
MOTI building (2019/02/20)
・The Prospects of Japanese Automotive Assembly in Ethiopia: Policy
Issues and Concrete Problems
Development Policy Forum (about Ethiopia Productivity Research), co-organized
by PSI and GRIPS @ Capital Hotel
・Introduction, Concepts and Importance of Productivity, Ethiopia's
Productivity in International Comparison (Macro Level)
・Preliminary Analysis of Firm and Worker Survey
Lecture at Djibouti Diplomatic Institute
・Industrial Policy Quality and Policy Learning
Mission Report
(Japanese text only)
Dec. 2018 |
Small Mission in Ethiopia
Mission Report
(Japanese text only) |
Aug. 2018 |
Mission in Ethiopia
・Lecture on
the Asian Development Policy Think Tanks @PSRC
・Seminar on the Textile and Garment Industry by collaborating with
ITOCHU Corporation @MOI
Mission Report
Kenya Mission for the Automotive
Industry Policy (2018/8/20-23)
Mission Report
(Revised on Oct. 5) |
Jun. 2018 |
Small Mission in Ethiopia
Mission Report
(Japanese text only) |
Feb. 2018 |
Small Mission in
Mission Report
(Japanese text only) |
Nov. 2017 |
The Second High Level Forum for the
Phase III of Policy Dialogue of Industrial Development in Ethiopia
(jointly hosted by JICA and EDRI)
・Productivity enhancing measures in Sri Lanka and Ethiopia
・Productivity trend surveys of manufacturing sector and metalworking
industry sector
・Literature review of wage-labor productivity nexus in Ethiopia
・Economic performance and labor productivity in Vietnam
Knowledge Sharing Forum @PSRC |
Agenda |
Aug. 2017 |
Follow-up Mission
- Kaizen City Movement Survey Report Sharing @EKI
- QPC Study Meeting @MOI
Mission Report |
Jun. 2017 |
Small Mission in Ethiopia
Mission Report
(Japanese text only) |
Feb. 2017 |
The First High Level Forum for the Phase
III of Policy Dialogue of Industrial Development in Ethiopia
(jointly hosted by JICA and EDRI)
・Japan's Contribution to GTP2 for Industrialization with Quality
・Anti-Export Bias and Effectiveness of Export Incentives in the
Ethiopian Manufacturing
・Income Equalization vs. Polarization
・Ethiopian Youth Development and Growth Strategy
・Empirical Analysis of Effect on job search assistance in Urban
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
of Hawassa Industrial Park |
◆Asia Mission Reports (Phase 3)
Myanmar Mission Report (2019/11/26-29) |
Mission Report
(translated from Japanese text) |
Sri Lanka Mission Report (2017/10/9-13) |
Mission Report |
◆Related Project
(28) "Ethiopia-Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue under
JICA's Industrial Promotion Project SUMMARY" presented by Izumi
Ohno at
the Knowledge Sharing Workshop on 15th December, 2022. |
English |
(27) "Business linkage promotion between domestic
enterprises and FDI firms -JICA's Approach-" presented by Toru
Homma (JICA) at the Linkage Workshop on 19th December, 2022. |
English |
(26) "FDI-local Firm Linkage Development -East Asian
Experiences and Suggestions for Ethiopia " presented by Kenichi Ohno at
the Linkage Workshop on 19th December, 2022. |
English |
(25) "Resolving Policy Trade-offs and Inconsistencies
-Ethiopia's Mechanisms and Asian Experiences" presented by Kenichi Ohno at
the Policy Workshop on 15th December, 2022. |
English |
(24) "Policy Inconsistencies in Ethiopian Manufacturing
Industry Growth" presented by Amare Matebu Kassa (PSI) at the
Policy Workshop on 15th December, 2022. |
English |
(23) "Global and African automotive industry -emerging
trends and strategies-" presented by Toru Homma (JICA) at
the Automotive Policy Seminar on 16th September, 2022. |
English |
(22) "Ethiopian Automotive Policy in the African
Automotive Market" presented by Kenichi Ohno at
the Automotive Policy Seminar on 16th September, 2022. |
English |
(21) "Japan's Postwar Recovery and High Growth 1946-1970
-Extracting Lessons for Ethiopia" presented by Kenichi Ohno at
the second JICA Chair on 19th April, 2022. |
(20) FDI Policy for Enhanced Value Creation in Ethiopia -Situation
Analysis and Policy Proposals- by GRIPS Development Forum in October
Related document >>> slide presented at Zoom meeting on 10th Nov.
2021. |
Slide |
(19) "Key Findings in Myanmar's
Automotive Policy and Lessons for Ethiopia" Kenichi Ohno, presented
at the Automotive seminar on 18th Feb. 2020. |
English |
(18) "The evolution and current
status of Myanmar's automotive industry" Toru Homma, presented at
the Automotive seminar on 18th Feb. 2020. |
English |
(17) "Selected highlights of the
Report" Kidanemariam Berhe Hailue, presented at the Report Launch
Workshop on Ethiopia Productivity Report on 17th Feb. 2020. |
English |
(16) "Introducing the major contents
of the Report" Kenichi Ohno, presented at the Report Launch Workshop
on Ethiopia Productivity Report on 17th Feb. 2020. |
English |
(15) "Preliminary Assessment of
HERA" Kenichi Ohno, presented at informal meeting with donors
on 1st Nov. 2019. |
English |
(14) "Ethiopia Productivity
Report near-final presentation" Kenichi Ohno, presented at
joint meeting with PMO, MOF, EIC on 30th Oct. 2019. |
English |
(13) "Ethiopia Productivity
Report -Policy Measures to Enhance Productivity" Kenichi Ohno, presented at
2nd Policy Development Forum
on 8th Aug. 2019. |
English |
(12) "Ethiopia Productivity
Report: Summary of the field survey on the apparel industry"
Dr. Mulu Gebreeyesus, presented at 2nd Policy Development Forum
on 8th Aug. 2019. |
English |
(11) "Ethiopia Productivity
Report: Data analysis" Dr. Kidanemariam Berhe Hailu, presented at
2nd Policy Development Forum
on 8th Aug. 2019. |
English |
(10) "Industrial Policy Quality
and Policy Learning -A Comparative Study in Asia and Africa"
Kenichi Ohno, presented at Djibouti Diplomatic Institute
on 25th Feb. 2019. |
English |
(9) "Ethiopia Productivity
Report: Summary of the field survey on the apparel industry"
Dr. Mulu Gebreeyesus, presented at Policy Development Forum on 22nd
Feb. 2019. |
English |
(8) "Ethiopia Productivity
Report" Dr. Kidanemariam Berhe Hailu, presented at Policy
Development Forum
on 22nd Feb. 2019. |
English |
(7) "International Comparison of
Automotive Assembly Policies" Kenichi Ohno, presented at
Automotive seminar
on 20th Feb. 2019. |
English |
"Development Policy Think Tanks -Selected Case Studies from Asia-,"
Kenichi Ohno presented at the work shop at PSRC on 17th Aug. 2017. |
English |
Productivity in Vietnam: Data Analysis and Policy Recommendation,"
Nguyen Duc Thanh (VEPR) presented at he 2nd HLF on 7th Nov. 2017. |
English |
"A Literature Review: Wage-Labor Productivity Nexus
on the Ethiopian Manufacturing," Kidanemariam Berhe Hailu (PSRC)
presented at the 2nd HLF on 7th Nov. 2017. |
English |
(3) "Productivity Enhancing Measures in
Ethiopia and Sri Lanka: A Bilateral Comparison," Kenichi Ohno
presented at the 2nd HLF on 7th Nov. 2017. |
English |
(2) "Income Equalization vs.
Polarization -Alternative Paths for High-Growth Economies," Kenichi Ohno
presented at the 1st HLF on 2nd Feb. 2017. |
English |
(1) "Japan's
Contribution to GTP2 for Industrialization with Quality -Overview of
major cooperation components and issues to be tackled by the
Ethiopian side," Izumi Ohno and Keiji Katai (JICA) presented at the
1st HLF on 2nd Feb. 2017. |
English |
◆Policy Dialogue with H.E. Mr. Meles Zenawi,
Prime Minister of Ethiopia
May. 2018 |
Letters sent from Kenichi
Ohno to new P.M. Mr. Abiy (7 pages) and to former P.M.
Mr. Hailemariam (3 pages) |
Nov. 2017 |
17th direct dialogue with P.M.
Mr. Hailemariam at the office of Prime Minister. (more than 1
hour) |
Aug. 2017 |
A letter sent from Kenichi
Ohno to P.M. Mr. Hailemariam. (4 pages) |
Mar. 2017 |
A letter sent from Kenichi Ohno
to P.M. Mr. Hailemariam. (9 pages) |