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Institute for Policy Studies

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ダウンロード 論文



世界の動向 その他 関連メモ パワーポイント・スライド



Jul-2023 大野泉「論説:新開発協力大綱にみる連続性と新規性SRIDジャーナル、第25号、20237 661KB
May-2009 作元理江(元在モザンビーク日本大使館経済協力調整員)
Sep-2008 Matsuo Watanabe(渡辺松男) "Japan's Foreign Aid Policy in Transition: An Interpretation of TICAD IV ", Japan aktuell, 3/2008, pp.7-26. 595KB
May-2007 大野泉「寄稿論文/新時代における日本の国際経済協力―『共生』と『卒業のための支援』をめざして」 日本貿易会『日本貿易会 月報』2007年5月号 No.648 pp.8-11. 320KB
Mar-2007 清水和樹「SWApによる教育セクター改革の成果と課題、及び政治的影響の考察:カンボジアを事例として 242KB
Sep-2006 大平健二「モザンビークにおける援助の変遷と日本の対応」専門調査員報告書 328KB
Mar-2005 中尾武彦「我が国のODAと国際的な援助潮流(後編)―特に国際金融の視点から―」財務省発行誌『ファイナンス』、2005年3月号 792KB
Jan-2005 中尾武彦「我が国のODAと国際的な援助潮流(前編)―特に国際金融の視点から―」財務省発行誌『ファイナンス』 、2005年1月号 301KB
Dec-2004 遠藤衛「 『サブサハラ・アフリカにおける援助動向』に関する調査・研究」専門調査員報告書 574KB
Sep-2003 笹岡雄一、横関祐見子「―TICADIIIを契機に―包括的アプローチの提案 252KB
Apr-2003 Izumi Ohno "Japan's ODA at a Crossroads: Striving for a New Vision" Japan Economic Currents, No.31, April 2003, pp. 4-7. 129KB
Apr-2003 大野健一「イラク支援、理念を明確に:「平和」にどう活用―ODA大綱改定の試金石」『日本経済新聞』経済教室、2003年4月25日 5KB
Mar-2003 内閣府/(財)日本総合研究所『国際経済協力の効率化のための官民パートナーシップの検討調査』報告書、 まえがき(pdf15KB)目次(当ウェブ版用に編集してあります pdf10KB)、本文(pdf147KB) -
Aug-2002 大野健一「ODA再構築 戦略明確に:国別チーム常設をー成長策への貢献で独自色」『日本経済新聞』経済教室、2002年8月19日 20KB
Aug-2002 大野健一「東アジアの経済開発・協力経験
(上記英語版)「East Asian Experience in Economic Development and Cooperation
May-2002 大野健一「『東アジア経験』に基づく開発協力理念の模索」『国際問題』2002年5月
May-2002 大野泉・健一「日本の経済協力改革とグローバルトレンド:なぜ日本は開発の潮流をリードできないのか」『外交フォーラム』 42KB 
Mar-2002 原洋之介「『東アジアコミュニティ』の構築に向けて:国益の観点から」内閣府/(財)日本総合研究所『国際経済協力の効率化のための官民パートナーシップの検討調査』報告書 59KB
Mar-2002 石川滋「世界銀行の国際開発政策見直しと日本のODA」『社会科学研究』第53巻第6号、2002年3月抜刷 450KB
Mar-2002 石川滋「『国際開発政策』という講義が直面する新しい情勢と課題」『城西大学大学院研究年報』第18号 92KB
Feb-2002 Kenichi Ohno "Reconfiguring Japan's ODA" Japan Echo, vol. 29, no.1, February 2002, pp.48-52 (上記ペーパー英語抄訳) 100KB
Jan-2002 大野健一「米主導の開発援助・中東政策是正こそテロ根絶への道」『世界週報』2002年1月8-15日 20KB
Dec-2001 大野健一「提言・ODA二分論:アジアのために、世界のために」『論座』 35KB
Jul-2001 政策構想フォーラム「政府開発援助(ODA)の国家戦略をつくれ」No.43 140KB


Jan-2022 Kenichi Ohashi, "Can Aid Work in an Environment of Bad Governance?"
Kenichi Ohashi, "Rethinking Development Aid Strategies for Kenya"
Nov-2009 Kenichi Ohno "Industrial Master Plans: International Comparison of Contents and Structure." 340KB
Nov-2009 GRIPS Development Forum "Industrial Policy Direction of Ethiopia: Suggestions for the Next Five Years."  225KB
Sep-2009 "Cross-cutting Issues and Organizational Arrangements for Industrialization: In the Context of Broadening the Policy Scope in Ethiopia." (draft) 420KB
Aug-2009 Berihu Assefa "Examination of Some Western versus Japanese Management Techniques in the Context of Ethiopia." (draft) 245KB
Jul-2009 Akio Hosono "A Memo on Rural life Improvement Movement." 90KB
Jun-2009 大野健一 「エチオピア:政治体制と開発政策(draft) 497KB
May-2009 Berihu Assefa "Business Process Re-engineering in Ethiopia." (memo) 210KB
Oct-2008 Izumi Ohno and Kenichi Ohno "Dynamic Capacity Development: What Africa Can Learn from Industrial Policy Formulation in East Asia" (draft), to be published in the IPD Conference volume.    367KB
Oct-2007 Aiichiro Yamamoto "The End of Poverty or The End of Budget Support?"
*This article first appeared in NORRAGNEWS No.39. NORRAG is Network of Policy Review and Advice in Education and Training.
Nov-2004 Masashi Nagasu "Ownership in Cambodia: Review of process of preparing Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper" 60KB
Nov-2004 Izumi Ohno "Fostering True Ownership in Vietnam: From Donor Management to Policy Autonomy and Content" 162KB
Oct-2003 橘田 正造「アフリカ大陸への外国直接投資フローの動向  40KB
Feb-2003 大野泉・二井矢由美子「PRSPの多様化 ―ベトナムとタンザニアの事例に基づく一考察―」『DASU年次報告書』FASID開発援助スタディーグループ(2003年3月頃発行予定)に掲載予定 160KB
Apr-2002 紀谷昌彦「貧困削減戦略国際会議報告:PRSPアプローチの現状と今後の課題」『国際開発ジャーナル』 23KB
Mar-2002 Kenji Yamada "Issues and Prospects of Aid Modalities in Africa," Discussion Paper 59KB
Mar-2002 大野泉「新開発潮流に対する英国・ドイツの取組み」出張報告 24KB
Mar-2002 稲田十一「世銀改革をめぐる近年の議論:メルツァー報告書のその後」財務省/JCIF「MDBs研究会」報告書『世界銀行等の開発援助政策に係わる検討』 62KB 
Mar-2002 小関譲「MDB改革:その議論と日本に対する警鐘」財務省/JCIF「MDBs研究会」報告書 『世界銀行等の開発援助政策に係わる検討』  31KB
Jan-2002 石川滋「貧困削減か成長促進か:国際的な援助政策の見直しと途上国」『日本学士院紀要』第56巻2号 412KB 



PSI & GRIPS Development Forum, "Ethiopia FDI Policy Report"
発行誌へ移動しました>>> その他の政策インプット


VEPR & GRIPS Development Forum, "Vietnam Productivity Report"
発行誌へ移動しました>>> その他の政策インプット


PSI & GRIPS Development Forum, "Ethiopia Productivity Report"
発行誌へ移動しました>>> その他の政策インプット


(一財)アジア太平洋研究所(APIR)/ 政策研究大学院大学(GRIPS)


GRIPS開発フォーラム「日系企業向けエチオピア投資情報 」
GDF発行誌へ移動しました>>> その他の政策インプット




山本愛一郎(JICA 欧州連合首席駐在員)「新たな方向を模索するEUの開発援助



(一財)アジア太平洋研究所(APIR)/ 政策研究大学院大学(GRIPS)

May-2013 (一財)アジア太平洋研究所(APIR)
May-2012 森純一「国連機関に飛び込む〜国連工業開発機構(UNIDO)勤務の経験から 870KB
Feb-2002 大野健一「聖戦思想と非合理の世界:「正義」を闘う人々とどうつきあうのか 」『論座』 40KB
Aug-2000 大野泉・大野健一「途上国に欧米基準をもちこめるのか:世界銀行・IMF・WTO 政策への疑問」『世界』、pp.241-251 40KB


Apr-2003 橘田正造「アフリカへの対応と日本&JBIC」(欧米諸国の対アフリカ支援の現状を分析した上で、日本とJBICがアフリカ援助に取るべき方策(私案)を提言)、 39KB
Jul-2002 大野健一「国別援助計画策定過程にかんするメモ」 (既存の市場化支援や国別援助研究会に対途上国・ドナーの対話機能を付加し、各国の個性を深く分析した上で援助計画を策定すべきこと。途上国分類の素案など) 15KB


July-2016 Izumi & Kenichi Ohno, "East Asian Experiences of FDI-Local Firm Linkage Development," presented at Linkage seminar in Addis Ababa.  
Oct-2015 Kenichi Ohno "Toward Industrialization with Quality" presented at 8th High Level Forum in Addis Ababa. 913KB
Jan-2015 Kenichi Ohno "Ethiopia-Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue" and "Economic Development of Japan" presented at EKI seminar @Addis Ababa University. 624KB
Jan-2015 Izumi & Kenichi Ohno "Industrial Zone Development" presented at 7th High Level Forum in Addis Ababa. 1,132KB
Aug-2014 Kenichi Ohno "Economic Development of Japan" presented at Seminar @Ellily International Hotel, Addis Ababa (August 14, 2014). 1,170KB
Aug-2014 Kenichi Ohno "Learning from East Asia's FDI-led Industrializing Economies -Preparing for New Problems and Scaling Up in Proper Steps" presented at 6th High Level Forum in Addis Ababa. 552KB
Feb-2014 Izumi Ohno "Handholding Programs -Taking Firms to Preset Goals through Comprehensive Help," presented at 5th High Level Forum in Addis Ababa. 598KB
Feb-2014 Kenichi Ohno "International Comparison of Manufacturing Performance -A Preliminary Study for Setting Ethiopia's Light Manufacturing Targets," presented at 5th High Level Forum in Addis Ababa. 506KB
Jul-2013 Kenichi Ohno "FDI-linked Technology Transfer – A Search for a Model Most Suitable for Ethiopia," Presented at 4th High Level Forum in Addis Ababa. 603KB
Jun-2013 大野健一「ビジネス・ものづくりのパートナーとしてのエチオピア」エチオピアビジネス投資セミナー(TICAD Vサイドイベント)@JETRO本部(東京)201363
English Ver. →"Ethiopia as Janan's Partner in Trade and Manufacturing" (1195KB)
Kenichi Ohno "Economic Development of Japan." *Presented at Seminar at Ethiopian Civil Service University in Addis Ababa, Jan. 2013. 1,657KB
Jan-2013 Kenichi Ohno, "Introducing Proactive FDI Policy in Ethiopia: Suggestions from an East Asian Perspective."*Presented at 3rd High Level Forum, in Addis Ababa, Jan. 2013. 345KB
Kenichi Ohno "Capacity Building of Local Firms through FDI: The East Asisan Perspective."
*Presented at Seminar on Mozambiquan Policy and East Asian Experiences in Maputo, Mozambique, November 2012.
May-2011 Kenichi Ohno "Overcoming a Middle Income Trap and Sustaining Growth -Prospects of Vietnam's Development in the Context of the Regional and the Global Economy-" 
*Presented at ADB seminar on Middle Income Asia, in Hanoi, Vietnam, May 2011.
May-2011 Kenichi Ohno "Taiwan: Policy Drive for Innovation."  *Presented at Forum of National Movement for Quality and Productivity Improvement (KAIZEN) in Addis Ababa, May 2011. 484KB
May-2011 Izumi Ohno "Overview of National Movement for Quality and Productivity Improvement: Experiences of Selected Countries in Asia and Africa."
*Presented at Forum of National Movement for Quality and Productivity Improvement (KAIZEN) in Addis Ababa, May 2011.
May-2011 Kenichi Ohno "Ethiopia's Industrialization Drive under the Growth and Transformation Plan  2010/11/2014/15"  
*Presented at the 8th High Level Forum, in Addis Ababa, May 2011.
Jan-2011 Kenichi Ohno "The Making of High Priority Development Strategies: International Comparison of Policy Procedure and Organization."
*Presented at the 7th High Level Forum, in Addis Ababa, January 2011.
Oct-2010 Kenichi Ohno "Industrial Policy in Africa Learning Mindset and Methods from East Asia."
*Presented at AU workshop, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 2010.                    
Oct-2010 Izumi Ohno "Singapore's Experience with Productivity Development: Internalization, Scaling-up, and International Cooperation."
*Presented at the High Level Forum 6, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 2010.
Jul-2010 GRIPS Development Forum "Policy Dialogue for Industrial Policy Formulation in Ethiopia."
*Presented at the High Level Forum 5, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July 2010.                 
Nov-2009 Kenichi Ohno "Industrial Master Plans: International Comparison of Contents and Structure."
*Presented at the High Level Forum III, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 2009.
Nov-2009 GRIPS Development Forum "Industrial Policy Direction of Ethiopia: Suggestions for the Next Five Years." *Presented at the High Level Forum III, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 2009. 206KB
Sep-2009 Izumi Ohno "Organizational Arrangements for Industrial Policy Formulation & Implementation: Examples from East Asia" *Presented at the High Level Forum II, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 2009. 201KB
Sep-2009 Kenichi Ohno "Cross-cutting Issues in Industrialization"
*Presented at the High Level Forum II, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 2009.
Jun-2009 Akio Hosono "The Japanese History of Quality and Productivity Improvement and the Experience of JICA's Project in Latin America"
*Presented at the High Level Forum, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 2009.
Jun-2009 Kenichi Ohno "ADLI and Future Directions for Industrial Development"
*Presented at the High Level Forum, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 2009.
Dec-2008 Kenichi Ohno "Industrial Action Plans: East Asian Experience in Modality, Content and Organization." 323KB
Dec-2008 Izumi Ohno and Kenichi Ohno "Diversity and Complementarity in Development Aid: East Asian Lessons for African Growth"
*Presented at the
Policy Workshop on "Delivering Aid Effectiveness: Improving Complementarity and Division of Labour" in Paris.
Jul-2008 Izumi Ohno and Kenichi Ohno "Exploring Japan’s New Approach to African Development"
*Presented at GRIPS Development Forum Seminar "How can Japan effectively support economic growth in Africa? - The African perspective-" in Tokyo.
Jul-2008 Izumi Ohno and Kenichi Ohno "Dynamic Capacity Development in East Asian Industrialization"  *Presented at Initiative for Policy Dialogue Task Force on Africa, in Addis Ababa. 778KB
Mar-2008 Izumi Ohno "Japan-UK Aid Partnership for 2008 and beyond"
*Presented at the ODI-GRIPS joint seminar on UK-Japan aid partnership in supporting African growth and the 2008 agenda.
Mar-2008 Kenichi Ohno "Growth Policy Formulation - Can East Asia Teach Anything to Africa? -"
*Presented at the
ODI-GRIPS joint seminar on UK-Japan aid partnership in supporting African growth and the 2008 agenda, March 5, 2008
Mar-2005 Izumi Ohno "Aid to Africa: New Opportunities and Challenges for Japan's ODA"
*Presented at the Workshop on Aid to Africa and the UK's '2005 agenda' : Perspectives of European donors and implications for Japan, March 31, 2005 46KB)
Dec-2003 Izumi  Ohno, "Linking Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction--Large-Scale Infrastructure in the Context of Vietnam's CPRGS"
*Presented at Vietnam CG meeting, December 2, 2003
Nov-2003 Izumi Ohno "Pro-poor Growth and Diversifying PRPS--From an East Asian Perspective
*Presented at Korea-OECD/DAC Conference, November 5, 2003
Jul-2003 大野泉「援助協調への日本の取組み 「東アジア型」と「サブサハラ・アフリカ型」
Apr-2003 Kenichi Ohno "Pro-poor Growth and Aid Coordination from the Japanese Perspective"
Feb-2003 Izumi Ohno "Asian Approach to PRSP --Diversity for Strategic Alternatives, Institutions and Aid Modalities" *Prepared for the GRIPS/FASID seminar, February 17, 2003.  Resume  261KB
Jan-2003 Kenichi Ohno "Growth and Competitiveness from the East Asian Perspective"
*Presented at the OECD/DAC seminar
Dec-2002 大野泉・二井矢由美子、「PRSPの多様化:成長志向型貧困削減のモデルとしてのベトナム」第13回国際開発学会全国大会 259KB
Oct-2002 Izumi Ohno, "Supporting MDGs through Growth-Oriented Poverty Reduction -Japan's ODA and Asia-" UNDP国際シンポジウム、2002109 173KB
Sep-2002 Izumi Ohno "Diversifying PRSP: The Vietnamese Model for Growth-Oriented Poverty Reduction" 外務省セミナー(WSSDサイド・イベント) 332KB
Aug-2002 Izumi Ohno "Asian Dynamism and Vietnam's CPRGS"
Aug-2002 Kenichi Ohno "The East Asian Experience of Economic Development and Cooperation"
May-2002 Kenichi Ohno "Development with Alternative Strategic Options: A Japanese View on the Poverty Reduction Drive and Beyond" 世銀WBIセミナー


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