Workshop on "Street Children in
GRIPS will invite a young researcher from
VDF (our research project office in Hanoi), who is going to analyze the
problem of street children with a special attention on the dynamic
implications of industrialization and global integration of Vietnam. For
more information, please check VDF-Tokyo
Date: 19 November 2004 (Fri)
Place: GRIPS, Conference Room B (3rd floor) MAP
Theme: “Street Children in Vietnam: Interactions of Old and New
Causes under Economic Growth”
Presenter: Ms Duong Kim Hong (Vietnam Development Forum,
Researcher) *This workshop is open to anyone. If you intend to
participate, please write to by 16/Nov.
Center for the Study of
International Development Strategies
(Jun.18, 04) The Center for the Study of
International Development Strategies (CSIDS) has just launched its new
website. CSIDS is a research center established within GRIPS, and
its three components are: the Development Strategy Survey Unit, the
Development Strategy Research Project, and our Development Forum.
Its mission is to survey global trends in international and Japan's
development assistance, and to provide information obtained from our
policy-oriented research. Please click
to learn more about CSIDS.

"Linking Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction"
(Dec.26, 03) We have finally finalized our
research papers on the role of large-scale infrastructure in promoting
economic growth and poverty reduction. Our papers were distributed at the CG meeting for Vietnam which was held in Hanoi on December 2-3,
2003. Japan News Volume II was also distributed at the meeting.
(Our papers) MORE (Japan News Volume II)
Vietnam Development Forum
We are currently setting up a new office in
Hanoi, Vietnam, which will be a core center of GRIPS-NEU (Vietnam National
Economic University, Hanoi) joint project. The objective of
the new project is to conduct policy-oriented academic research in the
field of Vietnam's economic development. For further information, please
see our progress report. LINK
(Vietnam Development Forum)
Workshop on the Impact of Large-Scale
Infrastructure on Poverty Reduction
On the 25th of September 2003, a workshop
"Development of Large-Scale Infrastructure for Growth and
Poverty Reduction" was held at Sofitel Plaza in Hanoi, where Izumi
Ohno gave a presentation on our ongoing research, the impact of
large-scale infrastructure on poverty reduction. This workshop was hosted
by the MPI, World Bank and Japan, and the workshop outputs will be
reflected in a new chapter of CPRGS. MORE
(agenda), MORE
(summary), MORE (our
paper, word 1MB)
Japan News
Japan News was issued by the
Japanese Embassy in Vietnam, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA),
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and Japan External Trade
Organization (JETRO) in July 2003. This newspaper outlines Japan's
Economic Cooperation in Vietnam, and was distributed at the Mid-Term CG
Meeting for Vietnam, 2003. Now available online.
"Linking Economic Growth and Poverty
Reduction --Large-Scale Infrastructure in the Context of Vietnam's
GRIPS Development Forum is currently
conducting research on the impact of large-scale infrastructure on
economic growth and poverty reduction. The concept paper for this
research, "Linking Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
--Large-Scale Infrastructure in the Context of Vietnam's CPRGS" was
disseminated at the Mid-Term CG Meeting for Vietnam, July 19-20, 2003.
(Concept Paper, pdf file 262KB, <--replace p.11 with this
pdf file 395KB)
UNCTAD Expert Group Meeting
The UNCTAD Expert Group Meeting on
"New Trade and Development Strategies in Least Developed
Countries" was held June 11-12, 2003. Kenichi Ohno, professor at
GRIPS was invited to the meeting and gave a presentation entitled,
"the Transferability of the East Asian Development
Experience." MORE (summary report by Dr. Ohno)
(presentation material, pdf file 536KB)
Research Position Available
GRIPS Development Forum is currently
seeking candidates for the position of researcher. This will be a
non-tenured part-time (hijokin) position on contract basis, which is
renewable (normally of one year) based upon satisfactory performance. The
overall duration of your contract may extend to 4.5 years maximum.
Qualified candidates must have Master's degree (or Ph.D) in a
development-related discipline (preferably with research/work experiences
in developing countries, and must be fluent in ENGLISH and JAPANESE. For
more information, please see our recruit
page .
A Proposal for Reforming Japan's Aid Strategy in
Motoki Takahashi, professor at the Kobe
University, and Kenichi Ohno, professor at the GRIPS wrote a paper,
"Renovating Japan's Aid in Africa." In this paper, they propose
that Japan should reform its aid strategy in Africa to make Japan's aid
more effective. Specific examples that Japanese Government should work on
are provided. MORE
(paper, pdf file, 103KB)
Japan Economic Currents for April
The April number of Japan Economic
Currents has been published by
Koho Center. For this number Izumi Ohno wrote an article titled
"Japan's ODA at a Crossroads: Striving for a New Vision".
(Japan Economic Currents for April, pdf file193KB),
(Ohno's article, pdf file129KB)
DFID Asia Regional Head Meeting
DFID Asia Regional Head Meeting was held on 7-10 April in
Tokyo, where Professor Kenichi Ohno made a presentation of "Pro-poor
Growth and Aid Coordination from the Japanese Perspective". It
brought together about 15 participants including Martin Dinham (Director,
Asia and Pacific), Jeremy Clark (Head, Regional Policy Asia Directorate)
and Mark Lowcock (Director, Finance and Corporate Performance) from the UK
Office, and some members of British Embassy staff in Japan. In
presentation the following points were made, that drew strong interest and
opinions of the participants: 1. Pro-poor Growth 2. The East Asian
Experience 3. Aid Harmonization 4. Japan's approach to ODA / Japan-DFID
Partnership. MORE
(slide, ppt file, 353KB)
Vietnam-GRIPS Network
Prof. Kenich Ohno and Mr. Nguyen Chi Thanh
have started an information network of former Saitama and GRIPS students
from Vietnam. They have also created a web site which facilitates exchange
of personal and public news among students, and reports Prof. Ohno's
recent activities on Vietnam's economic development. MORE