Prof. Izumi Ohno spoke at Asia
Pacific Conference 2021 held at APU
(Dec. 2021)
Prof. Izumi Ohno delivered a keynote speech at the "Asia Pacific (AP)
Conference 2021: Diversity and Inclusion," hosted by the Ritsumeikan
Asia Pacific University (APU), Beppu, on December 4-5 in a hybrid-style.
The theme of her speech was "Building Forward Better: What COVID-19
means for the future of international development cooperation?"
This is one of the largest conferences held in
English in Japan, in the area of humanities and social sciences, with
the history of 18 years. During two days, various presentations and
panel sessions were organized.
details (APU website)
Prof. Izumi Ohno spoke at the UNIDO GC side event
"Revival of Industrial Policy."
2021) Prof. Izumi Ohno spoke at a side-event at the occasion of the
UNIDO’s 19th General Conference, "Revival of Industrial Policy—Prospects
for Establishing a Global Industrial Policy Forum for Multilateral
Policy Learning and Knowledge Sharing," held on December 2, 2021. The
other speakers included Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of
Industrial Development, SMEs and Cooperatives of Mauritius, and a GIZ
expert. She also contributed to UNIDO’s Industrial Development Report (IDR)
2022, "The Future of Industrialization in a Post-pandemic World,"
released on December 1, 2021.
See details (UNIDO website)
High-Level Expert Consultation (HLEC) Meeting >>>
click here
Izumi Ohno spoke at the Africa Industrialization Day on-line event
(Nov. 2021) Prof.
Izumi Ohno spoke at the online seminar hosted by the UNIDO ITPO Tokyo on
November 22, 2021, titled "Investment and Technology Promotion for
Industrial Development in Africa under AfCFTA." It discussed how to
facilitate and promote trade, investment, and technology transfer, in
particular from Japan, for industrial development in Africa under AfCFTA.
This event was organized to celebrate the African Industrialization
Day/Week 2021, in partnership with the African Union (AU).
See details (UNIDO website)
Ethiopia FDI policy paper
(Nov. 2021) GDF produced a
paper analyzing and advising the Ethiopian FDI policy and had discussion
with the Ethiopian Investment Commission on Nov. 10. There is another,
fuller Ethiopia FDI Policy Report (co-authored by an Ethiopian
government think tank and GDF) soon to be published in early 2022, a
companion report to this shorter paper. The Ethiopian economy and
politics are currently facing difficulties. We hope our policy studies
will help Ethiopia recover from this crisis.
here to see Ethiopia FDI policy paper and slide
Izumi Ohno spoke at the
webinar "Practicing Development Cooperation in a Changing World—Sharing
Experience between Japan and Taiwan”
(Nov. 2021) On November 2, 2021, Prof. Izumi Ohno
gave a presentation on "Japanese Development Cooperation in a Changing
World" at the webinar co-hosted by GRIPS, Taiwan-Asia Exchange
Foundation (TAEF), and International Cooperation and Development Fund
(Taiwan ICDF). The webinar was moderated by Dr. H.H. Michael Hsiao,
Chairman of TAEF, and Mr. Stephen J.H. Lee, Deputy Secretary General of
Taiwan ICDF also gave a presentation.
See details (GRIPS website)
Opinion of an Editorialist (International Development Journal):
Germany's Development Cooperation and Prospects for German-Japan
(Sept. 2021) German Chancellor Angela Merkel will retire from politics
this fall after serving four terms totaling 16 years since November
2005. During her tenure, Germany became the world’s second-largest ODA
donor, boosting its presence as a leading provider of development
cooperation. Given the changing environment for international
development, including the “New Cold War between the U.S. and China,”
Izumi Ohno, an editorialist for this journal, summarizes how Germany’s
development cooperation has evolved under the Merkel administration and
discusses future prospects for cooperation between Germany and Japan.
(revised on 2021/09/28)
Izumi Ohno
spoke at the online symposium "Foreign Aid Policy: Japan-Australia
Cooperation in a COVID World" hosted by the University of Adelaide.
(August 2021) On July 15,
2021, Prof. Izumi Ohno gave a presentation on "Japanese Development
Cooperation in a Changing World" at the symposium organized by the
University of Adelaide, Australia, with the support of the Japan
Foundation. The symposium consisted of three sessions including an
overview of Japan’s and Australia’s foreign aid policies and development
cooperation for global health/COVID-19 response and for South Pacific
Islands nations. Speakers and moderators included: Prof. Purnendra Jain
(Adelaide University), Director Akio Takahara (JICA Ogata Research
Institute), Masahiko Kiya (Consul-General of Japan in Sydney), and other
Japanese and Australian experts.
Symposium Website (University of Adelaide)
click here
Opening&Session 1
click here
Website of JICA Ogata RI >>>
click here
GRIPS Forum with Audrey Tang, Taiwan's Digital Minister
(July 2021) At 189th
GRIPS Forum on 5 July, 2021, Minister Audrey Tang, Minister without
Portfolio (charged with digitalization), Executive Yuan, and GRIPS
students held discussions with titled "Creating Open and Inclusive
Societies with Digitalization".
Prof. Izumi Ohno moderated the discussions.
Video >>>
Further information >>>
click here
About GRIPS Forum >>>
click here
Izumi Ohno made a keynote speech at the Annual
Conference of the Japan Society for Afrasian Studies (JSAS)
(Jul. 2021) Prof. Izumi Ohno made a keynote speech
at the Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Afrasian Studies
held on July 3 (Sat.) (hosted by Nagoya University), on
the theme "Co-creating Knowledge for Sustainable, Inclusive, and
Resilient Development: New Afrasian Connectivity for Shaping a
Post-Pandemic World." JSAS is an intellectual network created by African
scholars based in Japan in 2018 to strengthen connectivity between
Africa and Asia including Japan.
JSAS conference website >>>
click here
Lecture materials >>>
click here

"Learning to Industrialize" is available for open access
(May. 2021) 'Learning to Industrialize: From given growth to policy-aided value creation' by Prof. Kenichi Ohno (Routledge-GRIPS
Development Forum Studies) is now available for open access.
Book Website (Routledge)
Vietnam Productivity Report Open Seminar
2021) The research team of Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, GRIPS alumni, and GDF produced the Viet Nam Productivity Report, which
was launched in the Hanoi workshop co-hosted by
Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and JICA. Ambassador
Yamada and JICA Chief Representative Shimizu made
opening remarks. Vietnam is industrializing fast, but it has
weaknesses in productivity growth, domestic value creation and
participation in GVCs. The Report offered standard analysis such as
labor productivity decomposition as well as proposals to deepen
bilateral productivity cooperation with Japan.
click here
Presentation by Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh
click here
Presentation by Prof. Kenichi Ohno
click here
Event video available
(select a caption language from Auto-translate of setting)
Facebook (available only in Vietnamese)
Invitation to GDF Zoom Webinar (April 13th)
"Japanese Strategic and Economic Partnerships with Africa in a
Turbulent Era: Achievements, Challenges, and Way Forward"
(Mar. 2021) GRIPS Development Forum (GDF) is pleased to organize a zoom
webinar on Japanese economic diplomacy in Africa, inviting
Ms. Céline Pajon, Research
Fellow and Head of Japan Research at the French Institute of
International Relations (IFRI), and Dr. Hirano Katsumi, Executive
Senior Research Fellow at IDE-JETRO, as speakers.
Program >>>
click here
Uploaded video of this webinar >>> visit
Event page
Uploaded video of
- Brenthurst Joint Webinar
(Jan. 2021) GDF-Brenthurst Joint Webinar was
held in November, last year. We uploaded the webinar video to our event
To watch the video, please visit Event page >>>