Workshop on
gDelivering Aid Effectiveness: Improving Complementarity and
Division of Labourh
in Paris (Dec. 2008)
Prof. Izumi Ohno and Kenichi Ohno attended the
Development Assistance Committee/Development Centre Policy Workshop
organized by OECD
in Paris. We delivered a presentation on
the theme gDiversity
and Complementarity in Development Aid:
East Asian Lessons for African Growthh.
True Ownership in Developing Countries--Based on the Experiences of Japanese
and Nordic Assistance in Asia''
(May 22, 2008)
The main objective of this seminar was to discuss ownership from
multi-dimensional perspectives and to draw implications for how donor
assistance could contribute to fostering true ownership in developing
countries. The seminar was built on the findings of a recent research
project, which analyzed Japanese and Nordic aid experiences in Asia, with
special attention to aid relations.
MORE<< the
Minutes (pdf file, 95KB)
Morten Jerve)
(Izumi Ohno)
Skovsted Hansen)
Perspective (pdf file, 59KB) (by Elumba Jean Denis, GDF Research
UK (London) Mission Report
(4-8 March 2008)
Prof. Kenichi Ohno, Prof. Izumi Ohno and Elumba Jean Denis N. (Senior
Research Associate ) visited London to; 1) launch a book titled
gDiversity and Complementarity in Development Aid:
East Asian Lessons for African Growthh
that aims to promote a UK-Japan dialogue on aid effectiveness in
developing countries, 2) learn
about the UKfs assistance for African growth, 3) understand the
methodology of gGrowth Diagnosticsh. UK officials and researchers showed
deep interest in our recent researches and activities.
MORE (UK Mission
Report by Elumba Jean Denis N. PDF file, 134KB)
Presentation at "ODI-GRIPS joint seminar on UK-Japan aid partnership in
supporting African growth and the 2008 agenda, March
5, 2008"
(Izumi Ohno, PDF file 172KB)
(Kenichi Ohno, PDF file 189KB)
Mozambique Mission Report
February 2008) Prof. Ohno was invited by the Japan Bank for
International Cooperation (JBIC) to deliver presentations at two
workshops on the theme gEconomic Development of the Nacala Development
Corridor: Learning from the Experiences of Vietnamh in Mozambique.
Elumba Jean Denis N. was also dispatched by GRIPS to join Prof. Kenichi
Ohno on a fact-finding mission to Mozambique on the same
itinerary. In addition, we met key stakeholders responsible for economic
development planning to learn how policy dialogue is coordinated within
the government and between the government and the private sector, in
order to understand the strategic importance of the Nacala Development
Corridor within the broader framework of the national economic
development plan of Mozambique.
(Mozambique Mission Report by Elumba Jean Denis N. PDF file, 93KB)
Diversity and Complementarity in Development Aid:
@East Asian Lessons
for African Growth
2008) GRIPS Development Forum published an ODA policy report which
serves as the conceptual basis for Japan-UK partnership, in
collaboration with ODI in London. This report highlights comparative
advantages of Japan and UK as donors and argue for their collaboration
based on differences and complementarity. The report also provides ideas
for concretizing growth initiatives in developing countries, especially
in Africa. The report is offered as an intellectual input to the 2008
events to be hosted by Japan, especially the TICAD IV and G8 Summit. We
believe that the principles advanced here should be applicable to all
donors, NGOs and business enterprises engaged in the task of
development. The chapters in this report are contributed by Japanese and
UK researchers and policymakers, as well as Malaysian and Ugandan
experts. MORE(synthesis, pdf
file, 25KB). MORE
Manifesto—30 Proposals for Enhanced International Cooperation, by the
Group for Renovating Japanese ODA
(February 2008) A multi-stakeholder group of Japanese professionals
from diverse backgrounds, including politics, media, business, NGOs,
academia, government, and aid implementing agencies gathered voluntarily
in a personal capacity, sharing a sense of crisis in the current state of
Japanfs ODA. The group intensively discussed how to renovate Japanfs ODA
in the
immediate future, i.e., what is wrong with the Japanese ODA, what should
be improved, and what actions should be taken with a common awareness of
the issue. The group met twelve times between July 2006 and October 2007,
and on the basis of the discussions, formulated a set of specific policy
proposals (ODA Manifesto). This is the first, major multi-stakeholder
effort to formulate a concrete ODA reform proposal. We now wish to present
this Manifesto to many citizens interested in ODA, as well as related
parties in the legislative and executive branches of the Government, and
act to renovate Japanfs ODA. (In case you cannot open the book, please
click here (pdf file,