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World Bank paper & Prof. Ishikawa paper
(November 2006) World Bank has recently released a report on Africa titled "Challenges of African Growth: Opportunities, Constraints and Strategic Directions." What makes this report unique and special is that it shows World Bank's focus has shifted from the BHN (basic human needs)-oriented aid strategies to business-oriented strategies such as how to create FDI-friendly environment and how to initiate economic growth and integrate the  poor into Markets.
  Prof. Shigeru Ishikawa, Emeritus Professor at Hitotsubashi, wrote a piece of paper which captures the recent trend of World Bank and throws a question about the lack of policy coherence of WB. Moreover, he compare the WB's growth strategy with DFID's policy proposal, and then discusses the similarities and differences between the two. Please have a look at this intriguing paper. MORE (Ishikawa paper, pdf file, 110KB ) LINK (WB's paper @ WB website, pdf file)

Recruit of Research Assistant
(November 2006) We have open positions for 6 month full time research assistants who support our research activities in the field of Japanese ODA policy, industrial development, aid management, network building of UK-Japan relations, etc. Candidates should have a master's or higher degree and can conduct research both in English and Japanese. For more details, please see our recruiting announcement on our Japanese website. MORE (announcement in Japanese)

GRIPS Development Forum Seminar Week

  • <8 Nov. 2006 (Wed)>
    Feedback seminar on GRIPS study--Managing the Development Process and Aid  (Invitation only)

  • <9 Nov. 2006 (Thu)>
    Seminar on FDI promotion in African countries--Strategic Action Initiatives for Economic Development

(October 2006) GRIPS Development Forum will hold two seminars in the week of Nov. 6. The purpose of the first seminar is to share the interim findings of the GRIPS study on gManaging the Development Process and Aidh that examines the East Asian experiences on the institution building and enhancement of development administration. There we shall receive two honored guests, Mr. J. Jegathesan, former Deputy director general of MIDA, and Lt. Nophadol Bhandhugravi, President of NEDA, Thailand. The second seminar, to be held on Nov. 9, is a special session given by Mr. J. Jegathesan. He will present his recent experiences on the investment promotion initiatives to Africa. Both seminars are open to public. If you intend to participate, please have a look here to see how to register.

UK Government News Report June 2006
(August 2006) JICA UK office has issued this month's UK Government News Report. It covers a wide range of development news in UK, from speeches by ministers to the summary of recent press releases. MORE (pdf file, 44KB)

UK Government News Report May 2006
(June 2006) UK Government News Report issued by JICA UK office has been now up. Let's check the latest news from England. MORE (pdf file, 36KB)

Managing the development process and aid (VDF workshop)
(June 2006) On 13-6-2006 at a VDF workshop, Prof. Izumi Ohno and Prof. Masumi Shimamura reported their ongoing research on Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines. Policy making functions, actors and their coordination were analyzed with concrete examples such as Thailand's Eastern Seaboard project. Leadership and central economic agencies as well as diverse country perspective were emphasized. Participants asked about the risk of relying too much on one leader, wisdom of excessive decentralization in aid management, and general applicability to Vietnam. Total of 25 people attended from MPI, MOT, Japanese, Danish and Swiss embassies and aid agencies, UNDP, IDE and academia. This research is part of GRIPS' international comparative studies on development management. Slide1, Slide2, Handout, Summary (VDF website)

New website set up -- "Managing the Development Process and Aid" Study
(June 2006) GRIPS Development Forum has been conducting research since July 2005, focusing on Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines to examine their experiences in managing the development process and aid. Through analysis, we endeavor to draw implications for the institution building and capacity development efforts by todayfs developing countries. We conduct the analysis from developing countriesf perspectives and to come up with some concrete policy proposals that would serve as useful references for todayfs developing countries including Vietnam. At the same time, we attempt to draw some policy recommendations to donors aiming for enhanced aid effectiveness.

Please check our new website! We will put up updated information in the course of our research process, including documents distributed at feedback seminars and dissemination workshops. We welcome your comments and feedback. MORE

UK Government News Report April 2006
(May 2006) We received UK Government News April 2006 from UK JICA office. Let's review what happened in UK last month. MORE (pdf file, 51KB)

EFA seminar minutes
(April 2006) On March 24, 2006, GRIPS Development Forum held a seminar where Dr. Shoko Yamada (Associate professor at GDF) and her research colleague, Dr. Fatuma Chege (Professor at Kenyatta Univ.) made a presentation on their interim research results on the process and ways of adopting the Education for All development goals (EFA goals). Now the seminar report is available online. MORE (pdf file, 75KB)

UK Government News Report March 2006
(April 2006) JICA UK office has just released UK Government News March 2006. It covers a wide range of news in UK from a speech made by UK officials to DFID press release. Please check it out. MORE (pdf file, 58KB)

The Economic Development of Japan
(April 2006) GRIPS published The Economic Development of Japan: The Path Traveled by Japan as a Developing Country, a book about Japanese history with an emphasis on political and socio-economic change. In the book, linkage between domestic/foreign forces and Japan's structural/institutional evolution as a response to environmental change, is highlighted. In so doing, the author, Prof. Kenichi Ohno, is attempting to draw implications for today's developing countries. The full text of this book is now available online! MORE (pdf file, 1.5MB)

VDF-Tokyo Conference
(March 2006) Vietnam Development Forum (VDF)-Tokyo will hold its 2nd annual conference at the GRIPS campus in Tokyo on July 15, 2006 (Saturday). The conference committee seeks proposals that address challenges that Vietnam faces, VN's development agenda, and so on. Prospective authors are expected to present their paper at the conference. For more detail, please check the conference website! Link (VDF-Tokyo website)

UK Government News Report February 2006
(March 2006)We received UK Government News Report for February 2006 from JICA UK office. Please check last month's UK news. MORE ( , 64KB)

Website renewal
(February 2006) The GDF website has undergone a renewal to improve usability and enhance the content information. However, some areas of this website are still in progress. Our apologies for this inconvenience. We do our best to complete the website and provide frequent updates........

UK Government News Report January 2006
(February 2006) UK Government News Report for January 2006 has been released from JICA UK office. Let's check last month's UK news. MORE ( 47KB)

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