"learning to Industrialize" - Kenichi Ohno's latest

(December 2012) Learning
to Industrialize: From Given Growth to Policy-aided Value Creation
was published from Routledge. The first part (chs.1-4) covers ideas and
methods such as middle income traps, policy learning, standard industrial
policy tools, policy organizations, etc. The second part (chs.5-10)
discusses concrete country cases - Meiji Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia,
Vietnam and Ethiopia - in which governments brilliantly succeeded or are
seriously struggling to industrialize the national economy. |
Mission Reports to India & Mauritius
(October 2012) Researchers of the GRIPS Development Forum visited India
(September 24 to 28) and Mauritius (October 1 to 4). The India mission
objective was to study India’s long experiences in economic and industrial
policy making, and a set of policies to promote competitiveness. The
Mauritius mission objective was to study its industrial policies (EPZ, FDI
attraction etc) as well as the role and function of matured state-business
relationship. This is one of the series of industrial policy missions
supported by JICA (under JICA/GRIPS Industrial Policy Dialogues with
India Mission Report
Mauritius Mission Report
(revised on Dec.28 2012)
Reports on Policy Dialogue on Industrial
Development in
Ethiopia (phase1) 
(April 2012) These are outputs of the Ethiopia-Japan industrial
policy dialogue, jointly conducted by JICA and GRIPS Development Forum for
the period of June 2009 to May 2011.
Intellectual Partnership for Africa
National Movement
Policy Minutes No. 24
2012) GRIPS Development Forum has published a Policy Minutes No. 24.
Policy Minutes compile the presentations and main points discussed at the seminar Japan's Approach to African Development during TICAD IV: The Case of Ethiopia," co-hosted by GDF
and JICA on October 17,2011. The seminar aimed to disseminate the results of the first phase of Japan's cooperation for industrial development in Ethiopia (2009-2011) with wider audience, in light
of how Japan is sharing East Asian experience with Ethiopia, and to discuss
its broader implications for Japan's growth support for Africa in general. >>>
(PDF 4.63MB)