Public Finance Management
(December 05) Public Finance Management
seminar was held on Dec. 9th (Fri), which brought together about 35
participants from Japanese government agencies, JICA, JBIC, consulting
companies, and so on. Mr. Ron McGill from Crown Agents (British
international consultancy) was invited as a guest speaker. In his
presentation, the PFM reform project in Mozambique was argued to assess
the pros and cons of PFM. For more detail, please see the seminar report.
<For further information on Mozambique>
If you are interested in recent donor activities in Mozambique, the
following website may be useful:
Programme Aid Partnership
UK Government News Report
November 2005
(December 05) UK Government News Report for
November 2005 has been issued. It's now available online. Let's check UK
news from last month. MORE
(pdf file, 44KB)
True Ownership and Policy Autonomy: Managing Donors and Owning Policies
(October 05) GRIPS Development Forum has
published a book on Ownership. This book is written by Yasutami Shimomura,
Kenichi Ohno, Izumi Ohno & Masashi Nagasu, and edited by Izumi Ohno.
PDF file is available now!
MORE (pdf file,
Policy Minutes No. 20
(September 05) We have recently issued
Policy Minutes No.20 which collected the distributed materials of the
GRIPS-ODI seminar (June 9, 2005). In the book, the summary of the keynote
speech by David Booth (ODI coordinator) and main points raised in the
panel discussion by Japanese government officials, leaders of Aid agencies
and scholars are presented. MORE (pdf file, 261KB)
UK Government News Report August 2005
(September 05) UK Government New Report
for August 2005, issued by the JICA UK office, has just posted on line.
Please have a look. MORE
(pdf file, 27KB)
UK Government News Report July 2005
(August 05) The JICA UK office has recently
released UK Government News Report for July 2005. Please check it
out! MORE (pdf file,
UK Government News Report June 2005
(July 05) The JICA UK Office's monthly report,
UK Government News Report for June 2005, is now available on line.
Included in the report are the summary of the G8 preparatory
meeting by Finance Ministers and the information on newly issued
reports such as a study report on the relation between
economic growth and poverty reduction conducted by the World Bank, UK,
France and Germany ("Pro-poor growth in the 1990s: Lessons and insights
from 14 countries"), DFID Departmental Report 2005, etc.
MORE (pdf file, 50KB)
ODI News (G8, Tokyo Visit
Report, Africa , Implication for Japan)
(July 05) G8 summit meeting
will take place at Gleneagles in Scotland this week, and heated debate on aid
to Africa is expected. What does this summit bring to Japan...?
ODI, Britain's leading think tank, has posted their latest activities
relating to G8, their recent visit to Japan, etc. on their website.
Opinion piece by Julius Court of ODI appeared in the Daily Yomiuri on
Tuesday 5 July 2005. Please take a look.
LINK (ODI homepage)
LINK (article by Julius Court)
The Poverty
Reduction Impact of Economic Infrastructure Project (2) by UFJ
Institute Ltd.
(July 05) A Japanese think tank, UFJ
Institute, recently issued a report which summarized "Key issues and
lessons learned from the Vietnam's CPRGS Process." UFJ was
commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan to review the
process of CPRGS expansion and identify the key elements that should be
included in the consideration of promotion of aid effectiveness. This
report was distributed at the third meeting of the DAC Network on Poverty
Reduction (POVNET) as a background document.
MORE (pdf file,
UK Government News Report May 2005
(June 05) A monthly report "UK Government News
Report May 2005" was issued from JICA UK office. This well-summarized
paper provides an overview of UK events in May.
MORE (pdf file, 48KB)

Our new publications
(June 05) Recently we issued the following
publications. In DP12, Professor Takahashi at Kobe University analyses the
way of Japan's aid toward Africa. In DP13, Professor Sasaoka discusses the
preliminary findings of his research on the institutional building and
poverty eradication. PM No.19 is a summary report of our seminar --- in
collaboration with ODI --- we held in March. Three of them are available
UK Government News Report March/April 2005
(June 05) JICA UK office has recently started
issuing a monthly report, "UK Government News Report" which summarizes speeches given by
government officials, press releases and news aired in UK. This succinct
report is particularly useful for busy executives who are looking for a
quick review of recent UK's
trend. Now report of March/ April 2005 is available.
MORE (pdf file, 62KB)
The VDF-Tokyo Conference on the Development of Vietnam
(June 05) The First VDF-Tokyo
Conference on the Development of Vietnam will be held at the GRIPS new
campus in Tokyo on the 18th of June 2005.
VDF Tokyo promotes exchange of knowledge and ideas in the areas related to
the economic and social development of Vietnam. The Conference welcomes
scholars, researchers, practitioners and students to join as general
participants. If you intend to join us, please send an email to
providing your Name, Nationality, Affiliation, Title, Field of study or
work by 14 June 2005. LINK (Program, VDF-Tokyo website)
GRIPS-ODI Joint Seminar
(May 05) GRIPS Development
Forum has the pleasure to invite all interested researchers and aid
professionals to the GRIPS-ODI Joint seminar, "The Impact of PRSPs:
Achievements, Challenges and the Role of Aid" to be held on June 9, 2005.
This seminar is organized on the occasion of the visit of ODI researchers
(Mr. David Booth, Mr. Julius Court and Ms. Karin Christiansen) to Japan.
For more information, please see the letter of invitation.
MORE (Letter of
Invitation, pdf file, 67KB)
(background paper, pdf file, 29KB)
Summary report of GRIPS-ODI
Feedback Seminar
(Apr. 05) GRIPS-ODI Feedback
Seminar: Good Donorship and the Choice of Aid Modalities―Matching Aid with
Country Needs and Ownership was held in Tokyo on 15 March 2005, in
collaboration with Overseas Development Institute (@London). The seminar
provided a forum to exchange views on aid modalities with ODI researchers
and discuss the way of delivering effective aid. For more information,
please see our summary report. MORE
Discussion Paper No.8 & No9
(Apr. 05) GRIPS Development Forum
Discussion Paper No.8 and No.9 are available to view or download in
Acrobat pdf format now!
GRIPS has moved to its new
Campus in Roppongi
(Apr.05) Our new
campus is located a few minutes walk from Roppongi station, giving us
pleasant and quiet (?) surroundings to work in! For our new address,
please see below. MAP
7-22-1 Roppongi
Minatoku, Tokyo 106-8677
Tel: 03-6439-6090 (main), 03-6439-6337 (dial-in)
Fax: 03-6439-6010
GRIPS-ODI Feedback Seminar
(Feb. 05)GRIPS Development Forum will hold
a seminar titled "Good Donorship and the Choice of Aid
Modalities" on March 15, 2005 (Tuesday) at JICA Institute for
International Cooperation (in Ichigaya). This seminar is designed to
provide feedback to aid professionals and researchers about the use of aid
modalities and shed light on current issues pertaining to global and
Japan's aid policies for effective aid. To broaden the scope of
debate, we invited two researchers from ODI. For more information, please
check the program and background paper.
MORE (seminar program, pdf file 45KB)
(Seminar background paper, pdf file45KB)
Good Donorship
and the Choice of Aid Modalities--Matching Aid with Country Needs and
(Jan. 05)GRIPS Development Forum has conducted
research on aid management for almost one year. The objective of this
study is to identify key factors both recipient and donor countries should
consider to make aid more effective. The paper above summarizes our
findings including some relevant country examples/cases. Any comments or
feedbacks are welcome.
(pdf file, 378KB)